Category Archives: Writings on the Beats

Gary Snyder and‘Eco-Zen’

Gary Snyder and Eco-Zen


This is the opening section of Chapter 5 of my book BEAT SOUND, BEAT VISION (MUP, 2007): “ ‘Eco-Zen’, or ‘a heaven in a wild flower’: from Gary Snyder to Nick Drake”.


In his celebrated critique of the Beats, made in the days before his canonisation by the counterculture, Alan Watts exempted one writer in particular from the charge of misappropriating Buddhism. That was the poet Gary Snyder:

Whatever may be said of Kerouac himself and of a few other characters in the story, it would be difficult indeed to fit Snyder into any stereotype of the Bohemian underworld. He has spent a year of Zen study in Kyoto, and has recently (1959) returned for another session, perhaps for two years this time.[i]

Snyder, that is, represented Zen proper, not what Watts then saw as the affectation – or ‘fuss’ – of the Beat cult of Zen. Certainly, Snyder has ever since had the reputation of being a serious, committed Buddhist who has managed to infuse his poetry with religious knowledge and spiritual insight. Kerouac, as we know, became early on disillusioned with Zen, and finally moved away from Buddhism and back to Christianity. Ginsberg, having flirted with both Hinduism and Zen throughout the sixties, finally became a Tibetan Buddhist in the early seventies. But Snyder has stayed true to Zen for over half a century.

This dedication has resulted in some beautifully precise evocations of nature, very much in the spirit of Zen haiku, though not confined to that particular format. For example: ‘Down valley a smoke haze / Three days heat, after five days rain / Pitch glows on the fir-cones / Across rocks and meadows / Swarms of new flies.’[ii] What is particularly interesting about Snyder’s dedication to Zen, however, is that it has gone hand in hand with ecological activism. More than any other Beat, he has demonstrated that spirituality does really go with political engagement – though not of the conventional, philosophically materialist kind. Where a Marxist, say, would want to refer all political issues to the conflict which takes place in a purely human context, Snyder has always seen the defence of nature itself as crucial to the maintenance of our human integrity and dignity.

Thus, in ‘Front Lines’ he speaks for the land — with which both the Native Americans and the creatures who inhabit it have existed in harmony — against the rapacious logic of ‘development’: ‘A bulldozer grinding and slobbering/ Sideslipping and belching on top of/ The skinned-up bodies of still-live bushes/ In the pay of a man/ From town.’ This outrage against the environment is seen for what it is in the context of the earth’s beauty and intrinsic value: ‘Behind is a forest that goes to the Arctic/ And a desert that still belongs to the Piute/ And here we must draw/ Our line.[iii] Such a stance might accurately be described, to adopt a  used by Alan Watts in another context, as ‘Eco-Zen’. This was the title of one of a series which Watts gave in the late Sixties, entitled The Philosophies of Asia, in which he explained to his North American audience the necessity of breaking out of the illusion of being an isolated individual set over against a hostile nature. To find out who you are you have to wake up to your identity with the environment, with the whole. That is what Zen is all about. Ecological awareness is the same as mystical awareness: all is One. The most obvious, practical consequence of this awareness for Americans would be the realization that ‘using technology as a method of fighting the world will succeed only in destroying the world, as we are doing.’ They would then stop ‘turning everything into a junk heap’.[iv]

As Snyder says, then: ‘here we must draw / Our line.’ Patrick D. Murphy, one of his most astute commentators, has read this poem as an intervention rather than simply an indictment. It is a call to action:

In ‘Front Lines’ the individual working the bulldozer is not treated as the ‘enemy.’ Here, rather, Snyder’s wrath is reserved for the man from the city, who is engineering this destruction without having any direct contact with the environment that he is having razed for financial gain. Snyder demands of himself and readers that they take a stand, here and now, against further devastation of the natural world. For Snyder, defense of the forests is both a planetary issue, in relation to the decimation of the rain forests and their potential impact on the greenhouse effect, and a local one. His area of California borders the Tahoe National Forest, and that part of the country has been badly damaged in the past by both hydraulic gold mining and clear-cutting of forests. The poem, then, reflects not only a general political stance but also a specific one speaking to the local defense of nature in which he and his neighbors have been engaged.[v]

Snyder’s Buddhism is emphatically not a form of quietism; it is not a rationale for passivity.

Another commentator on his work has inferred from his fusion of Zen and ecology that Snyder’s concern is to extend the implications of the vow which all Buddhists take: ‘I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the dharma, I take refuge in the sangha.’ We know the first two of those terms, but might not be familiar with the third. ‘Sangha’ refers to the community of those engaged in practising the dharma and seeking to follow the path of the Buddha, with a view to waking up to their Buddha-nature.  Snyder’s whole endeavour – as poet, as essayist, as activist — effectively interprets ‘sangha’ in the widest possible sense. For example, in the poem ‘O Waters’ Snyder invokes ‘great/ earth/ sangha’.  ‘Sangha’ is the Buddhist term for the community of those committed to the practice of the dharma. So what is the exact significance of Snyder’s implicit usage?

Traditionally, ‘sangha’ refers to the community of monks, people who have devoted their lives to spiritual practice separated from normal society. Snyder has clearly departed from that notion here: the ‘sangha’ is the ecosphere of the planet. In this one image is suggested two fundamental characteristics of his thought: a creative extension of both Buddhism and ecology by seeing each in terms of the other, and an overriding concern with community.[vi]

For every Buddhist, this recognition of the interconnectedness of all beings is a suitable subject for contemplation. For Snyder, it becomes also a suitable inspiration for intervention on behalf of all other beings.

We have just quoted from Snyder’s ecologically polemical poetry; but we have also previously indicated, in relation to Watts, his willingness to challenge institutional Buddhism itself, where he suspects it may collude with corrupt, environmentally irresponsible regimes. We referred in particular to his poem ‘Mother Earth: Her Whales’ and to his essay, ‘Buddhism and the Possibilities of a Planetary Culture’. Perhaps here it might be appropriate to state explicitly that, in advocating a ‘planetary culture’ — one in which humanity would know and love its place in the great web of interbeing — against the assaults of an irresponsible, destructive, soulless ‘civilisation’, Snyder represents the ‘counterculture’ at its most principled and uncompromising.[vii]   

Snyder’s dedication to the cause of ecology goes hand in hand not only with his Buddhism but also with his absorption in the legacy of mythology. An early volume of poetry is entitled Myths and Texts (1960). According to Murphy, Snyder’s dual premiss is that espoused in his undergraduate thesis, written nearly ten years earlier: that myth is a ‘reality lived’ and that reality is ‘a myth lived’. As Murphy explains: ‘Myth, then, places people in a cultural and physical matrix, providing them with a coherent sense of presence in place and time.’[viii] For Snyder, the mythopoeic poet – constantly revitalising that body of stories which tell us where we are and who we are — has a crucial function: ‘The poet would not only be creating private mythologies for his readers, but moving toward the formation of a new social mythology.’[ix] 

There is, of course, the body of Judaeo-Christian mythology to draw upon; but Snyder sees this as something to be corrected, even countered, so that the pre-Biblical mythology of the ancient world and also the native mythology of North America, might be given its due. The epigraph to Myths and Texts is a passage from the Christian New Testament, which gives us an indication of the kind of high-handed attitude to pagan myth and ritual which he  opposes: ‘the temple of the Goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and all the world worshippeth’ (Acts 19: 27). Again, in the course of the sequence which opens the volume, entitled ‘Logging’, we are reminded of the aggressive stance taken by the Hebrews against the supposed idolatry of the fertility myths and rituals which were flourishing at the time they were seeking their own promised land: ‘But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves’ (Exodus 34:13).[x]

‘Logging 1’ might be taken as representative. Here Snyder invokes the goddess worship which was suppressed by Judaeo-Christianity: he refers to the origin of the ‘May Queen’ in fertility ritual, and he mentions by name Venus (the Roman version of Aphrodite, a deity associated with fertility) and Io (mother of Dionysus, a god associated both with fertility and ecstasy). Not only that: he simultaneously invokes Native American mythology: ‘The year spins/ Pleiades sing to their rest/ at San Francisco/ dream dream…’[xi] Patrick Murphy surmises: ‘the myth pertaining to the setting of the Pleiades has to do with beliefs of Native peoples who lived in what is now the San Francisco area, while the invocation to “dream / dream” places the dreamer in that city as well. The invocation suggests the sensory realm of the collective unconscious, the locus for mythic vision.’[xii]

The myths and rituals of the American Indians are frequent referents in this volume, and in Snyder’s work generally. For him they make perfect sense in the context of ecology and also in the context of Buddhist thinking.  ‘Logging 12’ refers to the Sioux chief, Crazy Horse, who was a leading figure in the resistance to white settlement on American Indian land – tragically being defeated and murdered by General Custer in 1877.[xiii] Quoting from the poem, Patrick D. Murphy surmises:

[I]t becomes clear that the mythic vision of native and ancient peoples is not merely of historical interest or a dream time psychic salve, but an opening into an alternative culture by which humans, in league with ‘the four-legged people, the creeping people, / The standing people and the flying people,’ could live in this world at this time.[xiv]

If we are alert to what is being described in the lines quoted by Murphy, we recognise that this alternative culture includes shamanism. In Native American lore, the shaman is the tribal ‘medicine man’, at the very least; at the height of his powers, he is the visionary who mediates between the tribe and the gods. He has the capacity to enter sacred time and sacred place on behalf of his community, ensuring that it does not lose touch with the realm of spirit. From American Indian shamanism to Zen is not such a large step for Snyder. Each is a standing refutation of the values of western civilisation.

As we have had a good deal to say about Zen in this book, and as we will be returning to the subject shortly, it might be appropriate to end our account of Snyder by stressing that, of all the Beats, it is Snyder who has most consistently realized Kerouac’s intimation in On the Road that ‘the earth is an Indian thing.’ An important strain in a genuinely North American counterculture must be an identity with, and defence of, the Native American way of life – intimately connected as it has been to the environment. Snyder’s interest in that way of life has been as consistent as his adherence to Zen. The poem we quoted earlier, Front Lines’, comes from a volume entitled Turtle Island(1974). If we absorb the full weight of this title, we can only confirm that Snyder’s interest in ecology is simultaneously an interest in mythology. He offers the following definition in the introduction to the volume – a statement sufficiently important for him to merit repetition a later volume of polemical prose:

Turtle Island – the old-new name for the continent, based on many creation myths of the people who have been living here for millennia, and reapplied by some of them to ‘North America’ in recent years. Also, an idea found worldwide, of the earth, of cosmos even, sustained by a great turtle or serpent-of-eternity. … The poems speak of place, and the energy pathways that sustain life. Each living being is a swirl in the flow, a formal turbulence, a ‘song’. The land, the planet itself, is also a living being – at another pace. Anglos, black people, Chicanos, and others beached up on these shores all share such views at the deepest levels of their old cultural traditions. Hark again to those roots, to see our ancient solidarity, and then to the work of being together on Turtle Island.[xv]

From Zen to ecology via mythology and shamanism: Snyder’s work extends the possibilities of ‘Beat’. Essentially, he makes us realise how deeply the beatific vision is concerned with nature, and with the relationship between spirituality and nature. Blake had declared that one could see ‘a heaven in a wild flower’; the Beats concurred with this. But, as with Blake himself, they were capable of constantly shifting emphasis: between the idea that the natural world is sacred in itself and the idea that its sacredness is something human beings discover once they have cleansed the ‘doors of perception’. Snyder would seem to adhere more or less constantly to the former emphasis; Kerouac and Ginsberg would seem to veer towards the latter (though neither of them are notable for consistency, it has to be admitted).

In what follows, we shall be exploring the beatific vision, as exemplified by a small group of songwriters who are clearly indebted to the Beat movement. Given that we have previously discussed Dylan in connection with Kerouac and Ginsberg, and the Beatles in connection with Ginsberg, it might be illuminating now to situate these songwriters in the context which Snyder has provided. The intention is not to provide a taxonomy of parallel themes, but simply to take our cue from his ‘green’ Buddhism – or what we are calling ‘Eco-Zen’ – and see where it leads us. One songwriter might seem to tend largely to the ‘Zen’ side of the equation, another to the ‘Eco’. It is just as likely that one or two will seem to veer in neither direction, but draw on the natural environment for the appropriate imagery with which to express their vision – perhaps offering the outline of what we might call ‘nature mysticism’.

Please read the rest of this chapter, and a wider discussion of ‘The Beat Spirit and Popular Song’, in my book BEAT SOUND, BEAT VISION (MUP, 2007). Details are on the ‘Books’ page.


[i] Alan Watts, ‘Beat Zen, Square Zen, and Zen’, This is IT and other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience (London: Rider & Co Ltd, 1960; 1978), p. 100.

[ii] Gary Snyder, ‘Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout’, No Nature: New and Selected Poems (NY: Pantheon Books, 1992), p 4.

[iii] Snyder, ‘Front Lines’, No Nature, p 218.

[iv] Alan Watts, The Philosophies of Asia (Boston: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1995), pp. 41, 57.

[v] Patrick D. Murphy, A Place for Wayfaring: The Poetry and Prose of Gary Snyder (Corvalis: Oregon State UP, 2000), p. 108.

[vi] David Landis Barnhill, ‘Great Earth Sangha: Gary Snyder’s View of Nature as Community’, in Mary Evelyn Tucker and Duncan Ryuken Williams (eds), Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds (Cambridge, MA.: Harvard UP, 1997), p. 187.

[vii] For the context of Snyder’s ecological activism, see Laurence Coupe (ed.), The Green Studies Reader: From Romanticism to Ecocriticism (London: Routledge, 2000), pp. 1-8, 119-22.

[viii]  Murphy, A Place for Wayfaring, p. 21.

[ix]  Snyder quoted in Murphy, A Place for Wayfaring, p. 21.

[x] Snyder, ‘Logging 2’, Myths and Texts, in No Nature, p. 35.

[xi] Snyder, ‘Logging 1’, Myths and Texts, p. 34.

[xii] Murphy, A Place for Wayfaring, p. 23.

[xiii]  Snyder, ‘Logging 12’, Myths and Texts, pp. 41-2.                

[xiv] Murphy, A Place for Wayfaring, p. 28.

[xv] Gary Snyder, ‘The Rediscovery of Turtle Island’, A Place in Space: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Watersheds (Washington, DC: Counterpoint Press, 1995), pp. 243-4.

Waiting for the End: Ginsberg, Dylan and the Poetry of Apocalypse

Waiting for the End:

Ginsberg, Dylan and the Poetry of Apocalypse

Laurence Coupe

The English Review, 9, 1 (September 1998), pp. 6-8


Laurence Coupe argues that what Allen Ginsberg’s famous poem ‘Howl’ and Bob Dylan’s lyrics have in common is that they belong to a visionary tradition which goes back to the ancient scriptures.



There are certain parts of the Bible which we call ‘apocalyptic’, from an ancient Greek word which means ‘unveiling’, because they offer to ‘reveal’ the secret of the last days of history. Over the centuries, many poets have been inspired by these writings – most recently the ‘Beat’ poet Allen Ginsberg (1926-97) and the singer Bob Dylan (b. 1941). Ginsberg’s most famous poem, ‘Howl’, uses the long line and expansive rhetoric associated with biblical verse, although he himself was not an orthodox believer. Dylan, while working within the short lyric form associated with secular poetry, has never strayed far from the biblical view of the world — alternating between, and sometimes even fusing, the values of Judaism and Christianity. Thus, we might consider them as two complementary kinds of apocalyptic poets.

Oppressed by Babylon

The most famous apocalyptic work of all is the Book of Revelation, which completes the Christian Bible. But the Judaic scriptures — the ‘Old Testament’ of Christianity — also contain much apocalyptic material. For example, the Book of Isaiah includes a prophecy of the fall of the Babylonian empire, the oppressor of the Israelites. Since Revelation was written much later than Isaiah, at the time of the Roman persecution of the early Christians, ‘Babylon’ is used as a code word for Rome, which in turn is associated with all the forces opposed to Christ himself.

We might take Revelation as representative of the apocalyptic genre. It is written in the form of a vision: the author, known popularly as ‘John the Divine’, claims to have understood God’s hidden plan to bring the present order of things to an end and establish his kingdom. He warns of imminent catastrophe — plague, famine, war, death — but he also promises ‘a new heaven and a new earth’. At first, the forces of evil seem to be triumphing, with ‘that old dragon, Satan’ threatening to devour the male child born to the ‘woman clothed with the sun’. But the boy is rescued, growing up to become the Messiah. As such, he will subdue the dragon and all those who serve it: for example, the ‘harlot’ whose ‘name is Mystery’, living in luxury made possible by the toil of the oppressed, and the ‘beast’ whose ‘mark’ they are forced to wear. Looking forward, John promises the fall of Babylon and, after the final battle on the field of Armageddon, the establishment of God’s city of Jerusalem.

Thus, the apocalyptic vision may be seen as both negative (denouncing Babylon) and positive (announcing Jerusalem). But perhaps the most important thing about an apocalypse is that it should unsettle us: it should throw into doubt everything we have taken for granted. This is not a matter of specific symbols but of a general stance.

A Beat apocalypse

Allen Ginsberg first declaimed his long, visionary poem, ‘Howl’, in San Francisco in 1955, and it was published in Howl and Other Poems the following year. At first, it seems to explore only the negative dimension of apocalypse, and that in its most extreme form: ‘I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.’ But when we come to consider its overall structure, we see that there is a definite movement towards spiritual affirmation. We have not only the castigation of Babylon — here closely identified with the materialism of the United States of America — but also the proclamation of a spiritual future. Ginsberg’s three-part poem ends with a ‘Footnote’ which proclaims: ‘Everything is holy! everybody’s holy! everywhere is holy! everyday is in eternity! Everyman’s an angel!’ Significantly, this line is adapted from a work by the unorthodox Christian poet, William Blake (1757-1827), rather than from the Bible itself. Like other Beat writers, Ginsberg was drawn to Buddhism (though he did not commit himself to that practice until the early 1970s), and he wished to avoid being identified with any belief in the God of either the old or New Testament.

Thus, when the ‘best minds’ are referred to, we are not to think of orthodox saints any more than conventional intellectuals. Rather, they are ‘angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night’. We may regard them as Beat in two senses (apart from the obvious allusion to the music played in bohemian jazz clubs in the late 1940s and early 1950s). On the one hand, they are ‘dead beat’ or ‘beaten down’, victims of the rule of Babylon. On the other hand, they are ‘beatific’, holding the key to an alternative spirituality beyond the constraints of ‘straight’ America. Both senses are implied in a line near the end of Part I: ‘the madman bum and angel beat in Time, unknown, yet putting down here what might be left to say in time come after death’.

The monster of the mind

To prevent his rhetoric becoming too diffuse, Ginsberg in Part II of ‘Howl’ uses one dominant image: that of a terrible, devouring god. America/Babylon is depicted as serving ‘Moloch’, whose demand for sacrificial victims is insatiable. Actually, Moloch was a deity sacred to the Ammonites, not the Babylonians, but Ginsberg is only following the example of John the Divine in his creative play with time and place. The transposition works well, with the furnace which consumed the ancient god’s victims being identified with the contemporary military-industrial complex of the United States — the large corporations profiting not only from the exploitation of industrial workers but also from the production of weapons of mass destruction. Hence we read: ‘Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers are ten armies!’ Moreover, he makes it clear that all such barbarism is only made possible because people mentally assent to it. Hence we read: ‘Moloch whose name is the Mind!’ This monster, while being manifested outside ourselves, has its source deep within ourselves.

The alternative to the deadly logic of Moloch is suggested in Part III by the poet’s message of sympathy and solidarity to his friend, detained in a mental hospital near New York: ‘Carl Solomon! I’m with you in Rockland, where you’re madder than I am.’ Here, of course, madness is not an accusation: Ginsberg is praising Solomon for his holy, visionary powers, which Babylon tries to classify and control as ‘insanity’. The positive apocalypse is expressed in the poet’s very expression of love for his friend, and in the affirmation of imagination. But we should note also the persistence of biblical language, albeit dramatically updated, in and among the local references: ‘I’m with you in Rockland, where you will split the heavens of Long island and resurrect your living human Jesus from the superhuman tomb.’

‘Howl’, then, is all about the resurrection of the world and of the mind, epitomised by ‘angelheaded hipsters’ who, though themselves ‘destroyed by madness’, find that their lunacy turns out to be ‘holy’ — pointing forward to a new life unimaginable to the inhabitants of Babylon. Following the Bible and Blake, we can call this Jerusalem, or we can simply refer to the closing line of the poem: ‘Holy the supernatural extra brilliant intelligent kindness of the soul’.

Songs of ending

Ginsberg’s ‘Howl’ uses extended and excessive language, as is appropriate for a poem written to be declaimed in public rather than read in private. Dylan’s poems are also written for performance, but in his case the discipline of the song means that he often uses language in a highly compressed form. Sometimes we may not notice this. When, for example, in ‘I Pity the Poor Immigrant’ (1968), we are told that worldly visions ‘in the final end/Must shatter like the glass’, the word ‘final’ may seem redundant. But Dylan is implying an important distinction: that between a temporary cessation and an ultimate fulfilment. He is, in fact, being very precise, and is trying to stress the second sense, that of apocalypse.

One of Dylan’s most famous songs of ending is ‘A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall’ (1963). First drafted at the time of the Cuban missile crisis, when a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union was widely thought to be imminent, it is full of foreboding: ‘I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warning, / Heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world.’ The language is clearly apocalyptic, but only intermittently derived from the Bible.

However, it was followed shortly by the consistently scriptural vision of ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’ ‘ (1963; released 1964). Early on identified with the cause of civil rights for black Americans, this song survives for other occasions and causes because it is so firmly rooted in the biblical tradition. Inspired by Isaiah 24.1 (‘Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty … and turneth it upside down’), it uses the symbolism of flood (‘accept it that soon / You’ll be drenched to the bone’) and warfare (‘There’s a battle outside / And it is raging’). Even-handed in his use of Judaic and Christian scripture, Dylan ends with an invocation of the Gospels. In Matthew 19.30 we read: ‘But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.’ Dylan declares: ‘The order is rapidly fading / And the first one now shall later be last.’

Such apocalyptic allusions proved very useful to the early Dylan in his denunciation of injustice and oppression in his contemporary America. But even after rejecting the title of ‘protest singer’, he continued to draw on the biblical language of imminent doom. ‘All Along the Watchtower’ (1968) is based on the two different sets of writing which make up the Book of Isaiah. The first set warns of the oppression of Israel by the Babylonians, but also of the demise of the oppressors’ empire: ‘Watch in the watchtower … arise, ye princes, and anoint the shield.’ The news of Babylon’s fall will be brought by ‘a couple of horsemen’ seen riding in from the wilderness at the same time as a lion is heard calling. The second set is written after that event, and concerns the attempt to rebuild Israel when the period of oppression is over. Though a stranger ‘shall be your ploughman’, his sons ‘shall not drink your wine’.

Dylan’s song economically fuses the two historical moments to create an overwhelming sense of ‘too much confusion’: ‘Businessmen, they drink my wine, ploughmen dig my earth,’ even while the ‘princes’ who are keeping watch see ‘Two riders … approaching’ and hear a ‘wildcat … growl’. The general effect is sinister and compelling: America is in the balance, and is being found wanting. It is left to the listener to decide whether the unstated news that the riders bring (‘Babylon is fallen’, in Isaiah) carries with it the positive promise of the divine kingdom. It is as if Dylan is despairing of the United States — which, at the time the song was written, was waging a futile war of obliteration against the people of Vietnam.

Answers and questions

In 1979 Dylan surprised many people by becoming what is called a ‘born-again’ Christian. But as the above evidence indicates, he had always worked within the biblical idiom and had, unlike Ginsberg, frequently appealed to the justice of the father-God worshipped by both Jews and Christians. The difference now was that he seemed to be interpreting the symbolism of the scriptures entirely literally. In doing so, he alienated many of his early admirers, who did not take kindly to being warned, in songs such as ‘Slow Train’ and ‘Precious Angel’ (1979), that they might not find themselves ‘saved’ once the battle of Armageddon had been fought. In another song from the same year, he asked his listeners, in an echo of Revelation: ‘When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?’

However, even here we may note that the wish for an ultimate answer is, paradoxically, expressed in the form of a question. The ‘things that remain’ after hearing many of Dylan’s ‘fundamentalist’ lyrics are not doctrines but feelings, yearnings, doubts. Thus, a song with a title of apocalyptic certainty, ‘When He Returns’ (1979), is actually an exploration of the very disquiet from which the apocalyptic vision springs: ‘How long can I listen to the lies of prejudice?/How long can I stay drunk on fear out in the wilderness?’ And it is this capacity for uncertainty which characterises much of Dylan’s subsequent work.

Most fascinating of all, perhaps, is his long and complex song, ‘Jokerman’ (1983), which concerns both the human need to depict and explain divinity and the difficulties and dangers of doing so. The paradox is focused on the central figure. Who exactly is the character of the title? He may be Jesus (‘Standing on the waters’): but then, his miraculous powers have their demonic aspect (‘Manipulator of crowds’). For in the ‘slippery world’ of this song, nothing is certain. Where we look for a righteous Messiah who will destroy Babylon, we may only see a holy fool, dancing to ‘the nightingale tune’. Meanwhile, we are told: ‘A woman just gave birth to a prince today and dressed him in scarlet. / He’ll put the priest in his pocket, put the blade to the heat, / Take the motherless children off the street / And place them at the feet of a harlot.’

To all this, ‘Jokerman’ does not ‘show any response’. If he is the Christ, why does he not oppose the Antichrist whom Christian legend associates with the ‘beast’ of apocalypse? The song provides no answers to such questions. Rather, it subverts the symbolism of Revelation – for example, making the woman’s child a satanic rather than a sacred prince, born to collude with the ‘harlot’ — in order, perhaps, that we might ponder our own collusion with the rule of Babylon. But then, as we have already noted, that is exactly what the apocalyptic genre is all about. Thus, Dylan’s song, ‘Jokerman’, with the other lyrics we have discussed, may take its place alongside Ginsberg’s ‘Howl’ in that great visionary tradition of creative challenge which goes all the way back to the Bible.


Further reading:

Laurence Coupe, Beat Sound, Beat Vision: The Beat spirit and popular song (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007)

The Beat Vision

Gary Snyder & Allen Ginsberg



Poetry Nation Review

Jan/Feb 2007

Lynn M. Zott (ed.), The Beat Generation: A Gale Critical Companion (London: Gale-Thompson, 2006), 3 vols.

Please note: I have made one or two changes in the wording of the first paragraph, in the interest of clarity.



Admitting a taste for the Beat writers was for a long while something of a faux pas in certain academic circles, to be greeted by a look of pained incredulity. The received wisdom was as follows: Jack Kerouac wrote rambling novels, attempting to present his own tedious travels as a sustained act of rebellion; Allen Ginsberg was a self-publicist whose meagre poetic talent was squandered in pursuit of the role of guru of the hippies;  Gary Snyder might be impressive for his devotion to the ecological cause, but his poetry was far too polemical.

Fortunately,  the non-academic reader has long since felt otherwise, and for decades now has been ‘turned on’ to literature by discovering this or that Beat writer. More recently, students in several universities have been opting for courses on the Beat movement in large numbers – and by no means as a soft option. For Kerouac, Ginsberg and Snyder are not really an easy read: common readers and students alike find that this body of work makes demands, opens minds, changes worldviews. Indeed, at their best, they merit inclusion in that great visionary tradition which stretches back, not only to Whitman and American Transcendentalism, but also to Blake and English Romanticism: ‘If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.’

That may be a controversial claim: mine, I mean, not Blake’s – which at least has the advantage of longevity. But it would seem to be sustained by this ambitious, three-volume celebration of a literary movement which, in its own way, has had as big an impact on Western culture as has modernism. Significantly, both the modernists and the Beats have suffered from stereotyping: the former being regarded as elitist and esoteric; the latter being regarded as ill-disciplined and self-indulgent. Interestingly, more than one article reproduced in this critical companion suggests that a poem such as ‘Howl’ is more indebted to Eliot’s The Waste Land than at first appears. After all, it presents us with the demonic metropolis, the descent into darkness, the journey into the wilderness, and the promise of salvation: for ‘Shantih shantih shantih’ read ‘Holy holy holy’. However, it is only in a Romantic context that we can fully understand Ginsberg’s ‘Footnote to Howl’, reaffirming as it does the bardic affirmation of Blake: ‘Everything that lives is holy’. The essays gathered here largely support this approach: allusions to Romanticism are as frequent as those to bebop music and to post-war bohemianism. Though all of them have been published before, seeing them together – one volume on ‘Topics’, the other two on ‘Authors’ – makes one realise how important it is to come to terms with the way the Beats revised and extended the visionary tradition.

True, it is a pleasure to re-read Kenneth Rexroth’s early commendation of their experiments, which for him aligned them with Charlie Parker and Jackson Pollock, but we find other commentators and reviewers soon beginning to adopt a longer perspective. Again and again, Ginsberg is praised for his Blakean manner, even while doubts are expressed about whether he manages the Blakean balance between poet and seer. More generally, the debt is recognised to be as much spiritual as literary, with most summations of the Beat movement honouring the equipoise achieved in the best of the writing. One of the more recent pieces, Robert C. Fuller’s comprehensive account of the ‘psychedelic’ dimension of Beat spirituality, is probably one of the best, informed as it is by a half-century of speculation. Summation is not easy, however, and it is noteworthy that he feels it appropriate to invoke another commentator, Robert Ellwood, when it comes to stating the case as unequivocally as possible.

Thus, we read that the Beats effected ‘(1) a shift from mainline to nonconformist religion, (2) a rediscovery of natural rather than revealed religion, (3) a new appreciation for Eastern religious thought, and (4) a new Romanticism that accords spiritual importance to certain non-rational modes of thought and perception.’ That seems to me to get the picture clear: a spiritual revolution that is made possible through a literary achievement – and which could not have been made any other way. The Beats may have got their basic philosophy at the outset from the Buddha, but it was Blake who showed them that it was possible to give poetic life to such ideas.

In this context, it is worth recalling (as do many of the contributors to this companion) that Kerouac regarded himself as a religious writer. He it was who used the word ‘Beat’ to mean ‘beatific’. The introductory essay on him (in volume 3) points out that the tension between the inner world of spirituality and the outer world of bohemian hedonism is the very subject of his most famous novel, On the Road. Other contributors follow on from here, reading such novels as The Dharma Bums and Desolation Angels as meditations on the nature of religious belief. According to Omar Swartz, Kerouac sponsored ‘the cult of high experience’: this may have encouraged the excesses of ‘flower power’, but he himself was always conscious that vision is not possible without constraint. Though he was responsible for introducing his fellow-writers to Zen Buddhism, it was the discipline he was interested in rather than the supposed licence to act the holy fool. Finally, disillusioned with the follies of the counterculture, he returned to the strict Catholic faith of his childhood.

As for Snyder, he has stayed true to Zen: the real thing, that is — a spiritual practice dedicated to attaining harmony with nature, not the phoney, bohemian Zen of the ‘beatniks’ (the hangers-on of the Beats). Though we have to acknowledge his own unease about the label of ‘Beat’, the material reproduced here comprises a good case for his work as a necessary corrective from within the movement to the excesses of Ginsberg. Beat poetry, that is, does not just mean a long, rambling line and an indeterminate apocalypse; it also means a sharp, clear image of nature and a laconic indictment of its enemies. Snyder, we might say, is a neo-Romantic ecologist who has had a neo-classical training – if we allow the Japanese haiku to be an appropriate model. He represents the Beat vision in its purest form.

Alan Watts once declared that ‘a universe which has manifested Gary Snyder could never be called a failure’. If that rather overstates the case, let us limit ourselves to the hypothesis that any literary movement that produces poems such as ‘Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout’ or ‘Front Lines’ could never be called a failure. See them as expressive of a genuine shift in sensibility, and the publication of this companion is justified. Every writer associated with the Beat movement is included – though it is especially revealing on the three I have mentioned. It should find a place on the shelves of all public and academic libraries; as for common readers and students, they could do worse than club together – in true Beat spirit – to buy these three volumes between them and circulate them in perpetuity.

Laurence Coupe

Further reading:

Laurence Coupe, Beat Sound, Beat Vision: The Beat spirit and popular song (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007)

The Beat Vision

Poetry Nation Review

Jan/Feb 2007

Lynn M. Zott (ed.), The Beat Generation: A Gale Critical Companion (London: Gale-Thompson, 2006), 3 vols.

Admitting a taste for the Beats can still be something of a faux pas in certain academic circles, to be greeted by a look of pained incredulity. After all, Jack Kerouac wrote rambling novels, attempting to present his own tedious travels as a sustained act of rebellion. Allen Ginsberg was a shallow self-publicist, whose meagre poetic talent was squandered in pursuit of the role of guru of the hippies. Gary Snyder may be impressive for his devotion to the ecological cause, but his poetry is flat, prosaic and dull. Such opinions represent a significant consensus, I suspect.

So established is the assumption that ‘Beat’ means ‘bad’ that the fact that for half a century the common reader has felt otherwise, and been ‘turned on’ to literature by discovering this or that Beat writer, cannot prevail against it. Nor can the fact that, more recently, students have opted for courses on the Beat movement in large numbers – and not always as a soft option. For Kerouac, Ginsberg and Snyder are not really an easy read: common readers and students alike find that this body of work makes demands, opens minds, changes worldviews. Indeed, at their best, they merit inclusion in that great visionary tradition which stretches back, not only to Whitman and American Transcendentalism, but also to Blake and English Romanticism: ‘If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.’

That may be a controversial claim: mine, I mean, not Blake’s – which at least has the advantage of longevity. But it would seem to be sustained by this ambitious, three-volume celebration of a literary movement which, in its own way, has had as big an impact on Western culture as has modernism. Significantly, both the modernists and the Beats have suffered from stereotyping: the former being regarded as elitist and esoteric; the latter being regarded as ill-disciplined and self-indulgent. Interestingly, more than one article reproduced in this critical companion suggests that a poem such as ‘Howl’ is more indebted to Eliot’s The Waste Land than at first appears. After all, it presents us with the demonic metropolis, the descent into darkness, the journey into the wilderness, and the promise of salvation: for ‘Shantih shantih shantih’ read ‘Holy holy holy’. However, it is only in a Romantic context that we can fully understand Ginsberg’s ‘Footnote to Howl’, reaffirming as it does the bardic affirmation of Blake: ‘Everything that lives is holy’. The essays gathered here largely support this approach: allusions to Romanticism are as frequent as those to bebop music and to post-war bohemianism. Though all of them have been published before, seeing them together – one volume on ‘Topics’, the other two on ‘Authors’ – makes one realise how important it is to come to terms with the way the Beats revised and extended the visionary tradition.

True, it is a pleasure to re-read Kenneth Rexroth’s early commendation of their experiments, which for him aligned them with Charlie Parker and Jackson Pollock, but we find other commentators and reviewers soon beginning to adopt a longer perspective. Again and again, Ginsberg is praised for his Blakean manner, even while doubts are expressed about whether he manages the Blakean balance between poet and seer. More generally, the debt is recognised to be as much spiritual as literary, with most summations of the Beat movement honouring the equipoise achieved in the best of the writing. One of the more recent pieces, Robert C. Fuller’s comprehensive account of the ‘psychedelic’ dimension of Beat spirituality, is probably one of the best, informed as it is by a half-century of speculation. Summation is not easy, however, and it is noteworthy that he feels it appropriate to invoke another commentator, Robert Ellwood, when it comes to stating the case as unequivocally as possible. Thus, the Beats effected ‘(1) a shift from mainline to nonconformist religion, (2) a rediscovery of natural rather than revealed religion, (3) a new appreciation for Eastern religious thought, and (4) a new Romanticism that accords spiritual importance to certain nonrational modes of thought and perception.’ That seems to me to get the picture clear: a spiritual revolution that is made possible through a literary achievement – and which could not have been made any other way. The Beats may have got their basic philosophy at the outset from the Buddha, but it was Blake who showed them that it was possible to give poetic life to such ideas.

In this context, it is worth recalling (as do many of the contributors to this companion) that Kerouac regarded himself as a religious writer. He it was who used the word ‘Beat’ to mean ‘beatific’. The introductory essay on him (in volume 3) points out that the tension between the inner world of spirituality and the outer world of bohemian hedonism is the very subject of his most famous novel, On the Road. Other contributors follow on from here, reading such novels as The Dharma Bums and Desolation Angels as meditations on the nature of religious belief. According to Omar Swartz, Kerouac sponsored ‘the cult of high experience’: this may have encouraged the excesses of ‘flower power’, but he himself was always conscious that vision is not possible without constraint. Though he was responsible for introducing his fellow-writers to Zen Buddhism, it was the discipline he was interested in rather than the supposed licence to act the holy fool. Finally, disillusioned with the follies of the counterculture, he returned to the strict Catholic faith of his childhood.

As for Snyder, he has stayed true to Zen: the real thing, that is: a spiritual practice dedicated to attaining harmony with nature, not the phoney, bohemian Zen of the ‘beatniks’ (the hangers-on of the Beats). Though we have to acknowledge his own unease about the label of ‘Beat’, the material reproduced here comprises a good case for his work as a necessary corrective from within the movement to the excesses of Ginsberg. Beat poetry, that is, does not just mean a long, rambling line and an indeterminate apocalypse; it also means a sharp, clear image of nature and a laconic indictment of its enemies. Snyder, we might say, is a neo-Romantic ecologist who has had a neo-classical training – if we allow the Japanese haiku to be an appropriate model. He represents the Beat vision in its purest form.

Alan Watts once declared that ‘a universe which has manifested Gary Snyder could never be called a failure’. If that rather overstates the case, let us limit ourselves to the hypothesis that any literary movement that produces poems such as ‘Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout’ or ‘Front Lines’ could never be called a failure. See them as expressive of a genuine shift in sensibility, and the publication of this companion is justified. Every writer associated with the Beat movement is included – though it is especially revealing on the three I have mentioned. It should find a place on the shelves of all public and academic libraries; as for common readers and students, they could do worse than club together – in true Beat spirit – to buy these three volumes between them and circulate them in perpetuity.

Laurence Coupe

A Quest for Place: Gary Snyder’s Search for a Living Myth

First published in Refashioning Myth: Poetic Transformations and Metamorphoses, David McInnis, Eric Parisot & Jessica Wilkinson (eds.), (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2011), pp 139-60. Republished here with the permission of Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Note: It was only after this essay had been published that I realised I’d neglected to include the term ‘bioregionalism’, which is one frequently used by Snyder in recent years. A bioregion is ‘a natural region, exhibiting diversity and stability, defined by its ecological coherence’; bioregionalism is ‘the proposition that human ways of life should be compatible with the requirements of the diversity of biogregional communities of the planet’ [Colin Johnson, The Green Dictionary (London: Macdonald Optima, 1991), p 30]. Snyder believes that people find meaning and purpose by identifying themselves with a particular bioregion. I hope it will be clear to readers of the essay that this is implicit in his ‘quest for place’.


A Quest for Place:

Gary Snyder’s Search for a Living Myth

Laurence Coupe


As a poet I hold the most archaic values on earth. They go back to the upper Palaeolithic: the fertility of the soil, the magic of animals, the power-vision in solitude, the terrifying initiation and rebirth, the love and ecstasy of the dance, the common work of the tribe.(1)

Gary Snyder is a Zen Buddhist, an ecological activist and a mythopoeic poet. Here I want to draw attention to the third aspect of his practice, which I think has been neglected by commentators, knowing full well that it cannot be separated from the other two.(2)

Buddhism tells us that the human notion of an individual self is an illusion; the reality, which it is our task to discover, is the inter-relatedness of all beings. It is the very presumption of separation, of distinctness, that blinds us to the subtle, complex whole of ‘Buddha-nature’. Zen Buddhism is informed as much by the ancient Chinese religion, Taoism, as it is by the religion founded in honour of Gautama, the Indian prince who is reputed to have become the Buddha, the awakened one. Taoism teaches that nature is a manifestation of a cosmic force known as the ‘Tao’, or ‘Way’. Zen, following Taoism, lays particular emphasis on the importance of respecting the natural environment around us.

In this light, one can easily see how Snyder’s religion would feed into his ecological activism. The word ‘ecology’ comes from the ancient Greek, oikos, meaning ‘home’ or ‘household’. The title of one of Snyder’s collections of prose writings, Earth House Hold (1969), indicates the necessary inference. Ecology is that discipline which teaches us that the planet we occupy is our home, to be treated with respect. In order to serve it well, we need to know the way it functions as a household – a house which is held together by subtle interconnections.

To change the metaphor, we may say that ecology concerns the web of life; in that case, we might also say that mythology concerns the web of stories, which is inseparable from the web of life. The mythos, the founding narrative, has always been rooted in the oikos, the sense of the earth as our home. In this light, Sean Kane’s suggestion that ‘a myth is a form of dialogue between humanity and nature’, need not appear fanciful. In so far as a myth reveals hidden patterns and makes us aware of an inclusive, interdependent order of being, it makes us ‘at home’ in the world. For Kane, it reveals that the world of human culture is inseparable from the world of ‘earth’s nurture’. In what follows, we will see that Snyder broadly concurs with this view of mythology.(3)

If there were any doubt that Snyder himself takes mythology seriously, we need only consult the dissertation he wrote as a student of anthropology in 1951, He Who Hunted Birds in His Father’s Village. Its starting point being a consideration of a tale told by the Haida tribe of North America, it gave him the opportunity to make a spirited defence of myth as an essential mode of human thought – a defence which, far from retracting in later years, he reprinted in 1999. ‘Mythology’, he declares, ‘is the central patterning force of that verbal organization which survives through generations, containing the cosmology and value-system of the group.’ (4)

In terms of theory, his chief source for the dissertation is an essay by the eminent anthropologist of the early twentieth century, Bronislaw Malinowski, ‘Myth in Primitive Psychology’ (1926). Snyder quotes the following statement with approval: ‘Myth as it exists in a savage community, that is, in its living primitive form, is not merely a story told but a reality lived’ (GSR 76). He elaborates on it as follows:

Myth is a ‘reality lived’ because for every individual it contains, at the moment of telling, the projected content of both his unarticulated and conscious values: simultaneously ordering, organizing, and making comprehensible the world within which the values exist. One might even reformulate the statement to say ‘Reality is a myth lived.’(GSR 84-5)

The primary reality with which Snyder is concerned is nature: ‘The function of mythology may then be summarized: it provides a symbolic representation of projected values and empirical knowledge within a framework of belief which relates individual, group, and physical environment, to the end of integration and survival’ (GSR 85, my emphasis). It is the importance of mythology in situating ourselves ecologically that remains a constant theme throughout Snyder’s writing career. What he seeks is a living myth which will do justice to a living reality and a reality lived.

A challenge to Judaeo-Christian myth

One of Snyder’s most famous poems is an early one, which appeared in his first published volume, Riprap, to be reprinted in his own selection of his work: ‘Milton by Firelight’.(5) This was written as a result of Snyder’s conservation work in one of the national parks that lie in the area traditionally belonging to an American Indian people known as the Piute. The implicit narrative is as follows: Snyder and his fellow workers have set up camp for the night; Snyder either reads or recalls a line from the seventeenth-century poet John Milton’s Paradise Lost, his epic retelling of the myth of ‘the fall’ from the Book of Genesis; this sets Snyder thinking. The Miltonic setting is as follows: Satan, the archangel cast down from heaven into hell because of his rebellious pride, is plotting to take revenge on God. Drawing close to the garden of Eden, he sees Adam and Eve for the first time and, angered by God’s creation of such beautiful creatures, cries out loud: ‘Oh hell, what do mine eyes with grief behold?’ He now plots to tempt and corrupt them by persuading them to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree – the tree of knowledge. Having tasted that fruit, they will know the distinction between good and evil, life and death; in the process they will be expelled from the garden, and their descendants – all humanity – will be born to suffer and die.

We might note that this story manages to demonize simultaneously the serpent and the woman who allows herself to be tempted by it.(6) Moreover, since the temptation leads to expulsion from the garden into the wilderness, both serpent and woman are associated with uncultivated nature, which is regarded as inferior to cultivated nature. Whereas many religions other than the Judaeo-Christian deify the natural world in the form of a goddess, and regard the snake as a fertility symbol, here they are associated with corruption.

Snyder’s poem contrasts his feelings about what Milton is doing when he writes his version of the Biblical myth with his own admiration of one of the men with whom he is building trails, who is entirely attuned to ‘The vein and cleavage / In the very guts of rock’. Paradise Lost does not emerge very well from the contrast: ‘What use, Milton, a silly story / Of our lost general parents, eaters of fruit?’ It might be claimed that Snyder reduces the narrative to absurdity; but he presumably would defend his wording because he knows what sinister and destructive uses the myth has been put within western civilization. Putting it into the context of ecological time, he refutes it with the following acerbic words:

In ten thousand years the Sierras
Will be dry and dead, home of the scorpion.
Ice-scratched slabs and bent trees.
No paradise, no fall,
Only the weathering land
The wheeling sky,
Man, with his Satan
Scouring the chaos of the mind.
Oh Hell! (NN 7)

Note that ‘hell’ has acquired a capital H in the course of Snyder’s reflection. Now, of course, we are thinking of the ‘Hell’ on earth which ‘Man, with his Satan’ projects from his inner turmoil.

We will need to return to this question of the influence of Judaeo-Christian myth on the treatment of nature in the West. But here let us pause to consider that uncompromising phrase, ‘No paradise, no fall’. The first three chapters of Genesis offer us three kinds of mythology. In chapter one, we have the bringing into being of the world out of nothing, by means of God’s word: that is, ‘creation’ myth. In chapter two, we have the establishment of the garden of Eden: that is, ‘paradise’ myth. In chapter three we have the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden because of their defiance of God’s edict that they shall not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge: that is, ‘fall’ myth. Snyder seems to concede that, though all cultures must have a story of how the world came to exist, it is optional for them to have the other two kinds of story. However, according to the historian of religion, Mircea Eliade, all mythologies represent the attempt by humanity to recover the ‘sacred time’ of the beginning, when gods were present and all was well with the world, and find release from ‘profane time’, the experience of life as an unsatisfactory sequence of meaningless events. If he is right, then all mythologies have both a paradise myth and a fall myth, and they necessarily accompany each other. Without the sense of having fallen, we would not have that nostalgia for paradise, that yearning to regain periodically the beatific dimension of existence, that continuing impulse towards ‘eternal return’. It is this very awareness that something has gone wrong, that humanity has been expelled from the primordial garden (whether it be called Eden, Arcadia, or the Golden Age), that tells us that the fall myth necessarily shadows the paradise myth.(7)

In an essay published a decade later, ‘Passage to More Than India’ (1969), Snyder offers a much more affirmative treatment of the idea of the primordial garden. The occasion was the ‘Gathering of the Tribes’, also known as the ‘Human Be-In’, staged in San Francisco in January 1967. It was a definitive event in the formation of the ‘hippie’, or ‘flower power’, movement of the West Coast: a movement inspired by ‘Beat’ writers such as Snyder himself. Indeed, he was pleased to participate, as was his fellow Beat poet, Allen Ginsberg. Snyder asserts, in the context of opposition to such events, that they represent a legitimate alternative with a rich heritage:

My own opinion is that we are now witnessing a surfacing (in a specifically ‘American’ incarnation) of the Great Subculture which goes back as far as perhaps the late Paleolithic [sic]. This subculture of illuminati has been a powerful undercurrent in all higher civilizations. In China it manifested as Taoism … and the Zen Buddhists up till early Sung. (GSR 45)

Here we are on familiar ground, as far as Snyder’s work is concerned; and this is one of his more quotable affirmations of an alternative spiritual tradition. But it is the subsequent allusion to Christianity that might claim our attention. For suddenly, at the start of a section of the essay entitled ‘The Heretics’, he quotes the lines attributed to John Ball, the English priest who took a major part in the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381. Interestingly, he does not provide the attribution, presumably because he thinks that anyone interested in challenging the status quo should know it: ‘When Adam delved and Eve span, / Who was then a gentleman?’ He reflects:

The memories of a golden age – the Garden of Eden – the [Chinese] Age of the Yellow Ancestor – were genuine expressions of civilization and its discontents. … Projected into future time in Christian culture, this dream of the Millennium became the soil of many heresies. It is a dream handed down right to our own time – of ecological balance, classless society, social and economic freedom. It is actually one of the possible futures open to us. (GSR 48-9)

Thus Snyder acknowledges the validity of the Biblical paradise myth, but also endorses the way it has inspired radical politics, specifically the struggle for justice and for harmony with the earth.

However, Snyder is equally aware that, ecologically speaking, the impact of Biblical myth as a whole has been disastrous. The vision put into practice has been, not one of restoration but rather one of conquest – not only of the perceived enemies of God but also of the earth itself. The wilderness, the non-human realm, has been regarded as alien and hostile, and so has had to be subdued to human will. It is in this context that we need to consider Snyder’s second published volume of poems, Myths & Texts (1960). (Though published after Riprap, it was in fact completed before; the two volumes are very close in spirit.) The key section in our context is the first, which is called ‘Logging’. The significance of that title will be apparent from the epigraph to the second poem in the sequence: ‘But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves’ (Exodus 34:13) (MT 3). This reminds us of two things. The first is that the historical project of the Hebrews, who came to believe that they were God’s chosen people, included the suppression of rival religions. The second is that any worship of personifications of nature was particularly offensive to them, as their god Yahweh, later known as Jehovah, was thought to be transcendent, and so not to be identified with any aspect of the world which he had himself created – ‘good’ as that creation is declared to be in the first chapter of Genesis.

‘Logging 14’ recounts the Hebrew assault on rival myths, and on the sacred sites where the accompanying rituals were performed: ‘The groves are down / cut down / … Cybele’s tree this, sacred in groves … / Cut down by the prophets of Israel.’ More importantly for our discussion, it suggests that it is the Judaeo-Christian worldview which lies behind the manipulation, pollution and destruction of the natural environment which Snyder associates with Western modernity. As the poem continues, the assault escalates, and the trees are ‘Cut down to make room for the suburbs /… Trees down / Creeks choked, trout killed, roads.’ But the original culprit does not escape Snyder’s notice, and he envisages him relishing the sacrifice of natural resources made in his name:

Sawmill temples of Jehovah.
Squat black burners 100 feet high
Sending the smoke of our burnt
Live sap and leaf
To his eager nose. (MT 15)

The irony is that Jehovah’s devotees believe themselves to be removing all traces of myth, in destroying the sacred groves of rival cultures, while they themselves are guided by a faith that is mythic through and through. They want to suppress the fertility myth, rooted in the cycles of nature, while subscribing to what we might call the ‘deliverance’ myth, the attempt to translate mythology into history, with themselves as the privileged protagonists. We are still living with this legacy, Snyder implies, in so far as we persist in manipulating, exploiting and polluting nature.(8)

In the interests of balance, it should be stated that the myth of deliverance has not always been disastrous. Far from it. Exemplified by the Biblical story of Exodus, in which Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egypt, it has inspired a great many liberationist causes, such as Martin Luther King’s civil rights movement in the middle of the last century. Nor should we forget the millenarian visionaries whom Snyder refers to in affirming ‘the Great Subculture’: those radical Christians who, acutely aware of a paradise lost, fought to regain it through struggle – though at the end of history rather than the beginning. However, his intuition that there is a glaring contradiction lurking in the Biblical project is sound enough: a myth-based religion has fostered a negative, reductive stance toward all other myths. Moreover, for Snyder, it is no coincidence that the religion which has sanctioned the war on nature has also sanctioned the denial of the power of myth. For the very assumption that one’s own faith transcends mythology allows believers arrogantly to assume that it is only other, false religions which take a mythical form, just as it is only other, false religions which celebrate nature as sacred in its own right.

‘Logging 1’ helps us realise what is at stake. Snyder here invokes the goddess- worship of antiquity. He mentions by name Venus (the Roman equivalent of Aphrodite, the fertility goddess) and Io (mother of Dionysus, a god associated both with fertility and ecstasy). Not only that, but he simultaneously invokes Native American mythology:

The year spins
Pleiades sing to their rest
at San Francisco
Green comes out of the ground
Birds squabble
Young girls run mad with the pine bough,
Io (MT 3)

The Pleiades is a constellation which several tribes of the southwest of North America attribute to mythic origins: one such myth involves young girls performing a dance, then being pursued by bears, and finally being rescued by the spirit of the sky – taken up and transformed into stars. Snyder juxtaposes this myth with an invocation of an ancient Greek deity, suggesting an imaginative affinity without simply equating them. The diversity of mythology is honoured, along with the diversity of ecology.

We might pause here to contrast ancient diversity with the single-minded worldviews of modernity, which so often can be traced back to the Biblical paradigm. One such is Marxism, which sees history as the coming to maturity of humanity, as it moves through different ‘modes of production’, from the Eden of ‘primitive’ communism through the wilderness of capitalism, and so via the victory of the proletariat to the promised land of that classless and fully industrialised society which is advanced communism. Snyder might approve the need for class struggle and social revolution, but he is painfully aware of the fallacy of Karl Marx’s model. He sees it as one that has to be resisted in so far as it simply repeats the Biblical myth of deliverance, with the subjugation of nature as a necessary condition of humanity’s realisation of its own potential. Add to that the naïve faith in industrialization, and it is scarcely better than the system it claims to challenge, namely capitalism. (9)

With such connections in mind, we may note that frequently Snyder has used his own kind of shorthand to indicate the worldview that he wishes to dissociate himself from. Typical is his dismissal in Earth House Hold of ‘the Judaeo-Capitalist-Christian-Marxist West’ (GSR 43). More pensively and expansively, he elsewhere explains:

I don’t like Western culture because I think it has much in it that is inherently wrong and that is at the root of the environ¬mental crisis that is not recent; it is very ancient; it has been building up for a millennium. There are many things in West¬ern culture that are admirable. But a culture that alienates itself from the very ground of its own being — from the wilder¬ness outside (that is to say, wild nature, the wild, self-contained, self-informing ecosystems) and from that other wilderness, the wilderness within — is doomed to a very destructive behavior, ultimately perhaps self-destructive behavior.

True, Snyder adds the rider that the Western model has been either imitated or paralleled in the East, notably China and India. But there can be little doubt of his antipathy to his own civilization, for which anthropocentrism is the norm and a high-handed treatment of non-human nature is habitual. Nor can there be any doubt that he has dedicated himself to the formation of a radical alternative, and is confident of its success. As late as 1995 he declares:

We are still laying the groundwork for a ‘culture of nature’. The critique of the Judeo-Christian-Cartesian view of nature (by which complex of views all developed nations excuse themselves for their drastically destructive treatment of landscape) is well under way.(11)


The recovery of Native American myth

It was, of course, Christians not Jews who settled their ‘new found land’ with the intention of putting the Biblical narrative into practice, thus justifying their assault on what they deemed to be a demonic wilderness and what they deemed to be its equally demonic inhabitants, namely the Native Americans. Though Snyder repeatedly characterises Western culture as ‘Judaeo-Christian’, it is Christianity for which he reserves his main ire. For he feels acutely the damage that that faith has done to the North American continent, and to its native culture: damage made possible by an aggressively literal interpretation of Biblical myth.

So strongly does Snyder feel about what has taken place that he rejects the name used for the continent over the past two centuries, ‘the United States of America’, and opts instead for the much earlier one, that of the indigenous population: ‘Turtle Island’. The name comes from creation myths of various tribes, but the most common version tells us that the continent rests on the back of a giant turtle, which in the beginning volunteered his support in order that the creation of land, animals, plants and humans could take place. For Snyder, the forgetting of this myth and this name has been so disastrous that in the introduction to the second edition of Myths & Texts he refers to ‘Occupied Turtle Island’. He thereby makes the point that the white settlement and despoliation of the continent is an aberration which must in time be corrected.

Thus it will come as no surprise that one of Snyder’s most celebrated volumes of poetry, published in 1974, is simply entitled Turtle Island. In an introductory note, Snyder explains:

Turtle Island – the old/new name for the continent, based on many creation myths of the people who have been living here for millennia, and reapplied by some of them to ‘North America’ in recent years. … A name: that we may see ourselves more accurately on this continent of watersheds and life-communities-plant zones, physiographic provinces, culture areas; following natural boundaries. The ‘U.S.A.’ and its states and counties are ar¬bitrary and inaccurate impositions on what is really here. (TI, xi)

The purpose of the volume is not only to lament the imposition of Christian civilization, with its myth of deliverance, on the rich mythology of place that is to be found amongst the continent’s indigenous population. It is also to address present needs by recalling lost sources of meaning: ‘Hark again to those roots, to see our ancient solidarity, and then to the work of being together on Turtle Island’ (TI, xi).

Snyder believes that ignorance of the prehistory and early history of the land is not permissible. Again and again in this volume, we are reminded, as in the title of one particularly striking poem, of ‘What Happened Here Before’. Long ago, ‘human people’ – the Native Americans – came with their ‘feasts and dances for the boys and girls / songs and stories in the smoky dark’ (TI 79). So far so good. However, only yesterday, it seems, disaster struck: ‘Then came the white man: tossed up trees and boulders … / going after that old gravel and the gold.’ In his wake came ‘pistol-shooting, churches, county jail’. (TI 79)
‘Tomorrow’s Song’ is more explicit still in its judgement, declaring the end of the modern myth of progress, the secular form of the myth of deliverance. This has now reached its catastrophic conclusion with the crimes committed against nature on ‘Occupied Turtle Island’ in the past fifty years or so:

The USA slowly lost its mandate
in the middle and later twentieth century
it never gave the mountains and rivers,
trees and animals,
a vote.
all the people turned away from it
myths die; even continents are impermanent (TI 77)


But ‘Tomorrow’s Song’ is also more explicit in its resolution for the future. ‘Turtle Island’ is, we are told, returning even as Snyder writes. He believes that he is not alone in his urge to restore the mythological and ecological wisdom of old:

At work and in our place:
in the service
of the wilderness
of life
of death
of the Mother’s breasts! (TI 77)

That last reference to ‘the Mother’ tells us that Snyder implicitly identifies Native American culture with goddess-worship. He would seem to be on firm ground, if the Mohawk prayer which he adapts for his own ‘Prayer for the Great Family’ is representative. This begins: ‘Gratitude to Mother Earth, sailing through night and day – / and to her soil: rich, rare, and sweet … ‘ (TI 24). It then proceeds to give thanks, verse by verse, to ‘Plants’, ‘Air’, ‘Wild Beings’, ‘Water’, ‘Sun’ and ‘Great Sky’: all forces in their own right, but all intimately related to ‘Mother Earth’.

Again, her presence is felt in what is perhaps the most famous poem in Turtle Island, which focuses on the continuing assault upon the terrain: ‘Landseekers, lookers, they say / To the land, / Spread your legs’(TI 18). The image of the rape of Mother Earth is uncompromisingly shocking. Equally forthright is Snyder’s condemnation of ‘the rot at the heart / In the sick fat veins of Amerika’. The countercultural spelling of the name – with a ‘k’, suggesting connotations with German totalitarianism earlier in the century – tells us that he rejects entirely the values of ‘Occupied Turtle Island’. Those values are dramatically revealed in the mechanical, violent mistreatment of the terrain:

A bulldozer grinding and slobbering
Sideslipping and belching on top of
The skinned-up bodies of still-live bushes
In the pay of a man
From town. (TI 18)

Not only does the earth mother need defending, but also the rights of the people who know how to revere her:

Behind is a forest that goes to the Arctic
And a desert that still belongs to the Piute
And here we must draw

Our line. (TI 18)

The ecology and the mythology of the Piute are in tune with the rhythms of the land. The ‘landseekers’, like their settler ancestors, can see it only as an object of exploitation; their myth of progress is deeply anti-ecological. They cannot be allowed to go on assaulting and insulting the land.

True, in another poem from Turtle Island, ‘Mother Earth: Her Whales’, Snyder castigates the contemporary East for betraying its own roots (‘And Japan quibbles for words on what kinds of whales it can kill? / A once-great Buddhist nation …’). But he no sooner does so than he returns to his central theme:

North America, Turtle Island, taken by invaders
who wage war around the world.
May ants, may abalone, otters, wolves and elk
Rise! And pull away their giving
from the robot nations. (TI 47-8)


There is no volume of poetry by Snyder that is more vehement in its condemnation of the civilization into which he was born than Turtle Island. But tempering this negative energy is the quiet confidence that is expressed in the prose addendum, ‘Plain Talk’. For instance:

Since it doesn’t seem practical or even desirable to think that direct bloody force will achieve much, it would be best to consider this a continuing ‘revolution of consciousness’ which will be won not by guns but by seizing the key images, myths, archetypes, eschatologies, and ecstasies so that life won’t seem worth living unless one’s on the transforming energy’s side. (TI 100)

‘Eschatologies’ point us to the end of time: they have their uses, since we need to be warned about where we are heading. But on the whole, a more important kind of narrative for Snyder is creation myth, such as the one which informs the Native Americans’ reverence for their land.

In ‘The Rediscovery of Turtle Island’, an essay published two decades after this volume appeared, he recounts a variation on the ‘Turtle Island’ story, told by the Nisenan people, in which creation comes about when a character called Coyote asks his friend Earthmaker to ‘find us a world’. Earthmaker does so by sending Turtle down into the depths of the sea to bring up sufficient mud for him to create land. Coyote still is not satisfied, so Earthmaker creates plants, animals, and the whole landscape that the tribes see around them. Snyder tells us: ‘My children grew up with this as their first creation story. When they later heard the Bible story, they said, “That’s a lot like Coyote and Earthmaker.” But the Nisenan story gave them their own immediate landscape, complete with details, and the characters were animals from their own world’ (PS 248-9). Perhaps we might infer that, given that we all need a creation myth, and if we have a choice of two, it is better to have the one that has had the more benign influence; in that case, Genesis would have to be rejected. Snyder does not explicitly say so, but his stance seems to be that we should make sure we understand the way mythology works so that we can resist the dangerously literal interpretation of a given myth, such as we see in the case of the Biblical narrative.

Snyder’s recounting of that variation on the Turtle Island myth is also important because it spells out the importance of a mythological character which Snyder frequently celebrates, namely Coyote the Trickster. Here we can get our bearings by looking briefly at an essay first published just three years after the Turtle Island volume, ‘The Incredible Survival of Coyote’ (1977). It reminds us of how widely known this character once was, and what a shape-shifter he has always been:

There are lots of stories about Coyote, or Coyote Man as he’s called to distinguish him from coyote the animal. Old Man Coyote lived in myth time, the dreamtime – and lots of things happened then. Over on the other side of the Cascades, the trickster is called Raven. In the Great Lakes region, sometimes he’s called Hare, but out here it’s Coyote Man. … (PS 149)

It also explains that, given his capacity both to cause trouble but also to carry out culturally important acts, he is rightly called ‘the Trickster’.

Though the West has lost touch with this traditionally crucial role, it ought to realise that even its own revered deity owes something to it:

The Trickster is probably the most archaic and widely diffused figure in world folklore. No wonder his name is often “Old Man”. He is the Old One, the Ancient Buddha. …. In their quiet, conservative corner of the globe, the Great Basin Indians and the nations of California were, a century ago, still living and transmitting an international body of lore – the same lore that is the foundation of the ‘high’ literatures of India, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and western Europe. And just as planetary humankind becomes ‘ecosystem’-oriented again, so the most sophisticated and agonized contemporary theologies come close to confessing that God must be a trickster.

But God is not exactly a trickster. Coyote the animal, human being the animal, bear the animal are (the Ainu would say) just hayakpe – ‘armor’ or masks, or food to be served, shapes and functions assumed in the service of Great Nature. We slip those masks a bit to the side and see there Coyote Man the trickster; Bear, the king of the mountains; Deer Mother, queen of compassion. In turn, these Type Beings, mind-created, earth-created, are also illusions. The Shining One peaks out from behind a boulder and is gone – is always there. … (PS 161-2)

Given that Jehovah created Adam and Eve and placed them in paradise, fully aware that they would succumb to the temptation of the serpent and consequently have to be cast out of the garden, Snyder’s intuition makes sense. But then again, so does his proviso that the Trickster is evasive, and cannot be confined to any one manifestation. Certainly, he succeeds in destabilising the claims of those who invoke Jehovah as their absolute authority, in support of their sense of ‘manifest destiny’. Only ‘Great Nature’ should command our unconditional respect.

However, Snyder has another, equally more important intuition, which the rest of the essay outlines. He believes that not only has ‘the rich lore of Old Man Coyote’ survived, despite the suppression of Native American culture, but that he is becoming more widely known than ever, as those people who are disillusioned with the USA seek ecological and mythological meaning. The dominant orthodoxy is characterised as follows:

For years the literature of the West was concerned with exploitation and expansion. This is what we mean when we talk about the ‘epic’ or ‘heroic’ period – a time of rapid expansion, of first-phase exploitation. This literature is not a literature of place. It is a history and a literature of feats of strength and of white, English-speaking-American human events. It’s only about this place by accident. (PS 154)

A radical alternative is urgently needed, and the signs are now evident:

But something has happened to our sense of the West since World War II. I can see a bit of how it happened in me. Western lore has been changing from a story of exploitation and expansion by white people into a quest for place. Those early westerners did not know where they were – except for mountain men, who became almost Indians. …. So current writers and many young people look back to Native American lore. There is something to be learned from the Native American people about where we all are. It can’t be learned from anyone else. (PS 156)


Gaia, the Tao and Indra’s net

The ‘quest for place’, for a part of the earth on which one may feel at home, is for Snyder synonymous with the search for a living myth: after all, oikos and mythos go together. The cure for the ills of the West is to find out who we really are by understanding where we really are: ‘People are challenged to become “reinhabitory” – that is, to become people who are learning to live and think “as if” they were totally engaged with their place for the long future.’ In the USA, he hopefully notes, a significant minority of like-minded individuals are ‘in the process of becoming something deeper than “American (or Mexican or Canadian) citizens” – they are becoming natives of Turtle Island’ (PS 246-7). In other words, they are recovering a lost mythology and a new ecology simultaneously.

Snyder believes that finding and nurturing one’s roots means realising that what we call ‘civilization’ represents ‘a very small part of human experience’. If we think of prehistory, of antiquity and even early modernity, we may say that ‘oral literature has been the major literary experience of humanity’ (PS 129). This assertion is from his essay ‘The Politics of Ethnopoetics’ (1977), the general argument of which is that preservation of species and preservation of cultures are part of the same struggle. The need to maintain a diversity of plants and animals is not a separate issue from the need to maintain a diversity of customs, rituals and stories. In both cases, what is demanded of us is respect for the complex, subtle interrelatedness of the whole.

It is but a short step from here to equate the ‘whole’ with the ‘holy’; it is already implicit in the earliest myths. Snyder himself does not make that exact equation, but in the prose addendum to Turtle Island he says something very similar:

You would not think a poet would get involved in these things. But the voice that speaks to me as a poet, what Westerners have called the Muse, is the voice of nature herself, whom the ancient poets called the great goddess, the Magna Mater. I regard that voice as a very real entity. At the root of the problem where our civilization goes wrong is the mistaken belief that nature is something less than authentic, that nature is not as alive as man is, or as intelligent, that in a sense it is dead, and that animals are of so low an order of intelligence and feeling, we need not take their feelings into account.

A line is drawn between primitive peoples and civilized peoples. I think there is a wisdom in the worldview of primitive peoples that we have to refer ourselves to, and learn from. If we are on the verge of postcivilization, then our next step must take account of the primitive worldview which has traditionally and intelligently tried to open and keep open lines of communication with the forces of nature. You cannot communicate with the forces of nature in the laboratory. (TI 106-7)


The year after this, Snyder provided a short introduction to the second edition of Myths & Texts. Quoting his own, earlier autobiographical statement – ‘As a poet I hold the most archaic values on earth’ – he here justifies his concern with ‘roots’, both natural and cultural:

Why this going back into the roots and the past, instead of leaping off into the future, I’m sometimes asked. But it’s not in time at all that we study our world and ourselves. There’s no close or far. We have, simply, the chance to fill out the whole picture now, for the first time in human experience. It is beginning to be possible to look in one wide gaze at all that human beings have been and done on the whole planet, as one small part of the web of Gaia the earth-life-Goddess. Then turn that over and over in the depths of deepest symbol-holding store-house-consciousness mind, to maybe let another flower of clarity rise from the compost of information. Such flowers set us truly free and only come every few millennia. I’m glad Myths & Texts is a warm part of the compost in this end¬-of-the-century spectacle. I hope it helps toward growing that flower that will be totally in the present.’ (MT viii)

There are two things we need note in this statement. First, there is the insistence that mythic thinking is distinct from historical thinking. Indeed, it should liberate us from the burden of history: it should, in Eliade’s terms, release us from ‘profane time’ and restore us to ‘sacred time’ – that time which is not really time as we know it, but rather the eternal moment. This is an implicit rebuke to the Judaeo-Christian model, which presents history as a grand narrative, culminating in the establishment of Jerusalem, the heavenly city on earth, in which humanity – or that sector of humanity favoured by God – will find fulfilment.(12) The second thing to note, which follows from this, is that the mythology which Snyder endorses is one which followers of the Biblical myth would call ‘pagan’. It is one rooted in nature, and dedicated to the maintenance of the ‘web’ of being, personified by ‘Gaia the earth-life-Goddess’ of ancient Greece.

We cannot mention Snyder’s ecological reverence for Gaia without referring briefly to the simultaneous rediscovery of the goddess by the British scientist James Lovelock. His ‘Gaia theory’ argues that the earth is a self-regulating organism. As such, it merits respect from humanity, which is only one small part of the complex whole. No small part of Lovelock’s genius is his intuition that it is only by thinking mythically about the planet that we will ever learn to live in harmony with it. Like Snyder, he understands the importance of focussing on a female deity, not a male:

In times that are ancient by human measure, as far back as the earliest artefacts can be found, it seems that the Earth was worshipped as a goddess and believed to be alive. The myth of the great Mother [sic] is part of most early religions. The Mother is a compassionate, feminine figure; spring of all life, of fecundity, of gentleness. She is also the stern and unforgiving bringer of death. … At some time not more than a few thousand years ago the concept of a remote master God, an overseer of Gaia, took root.(13)

Like Snyder, Lovelock sees the Judaeo-Christian sky father, Jehovah, as part of the problem, not the solution. It would, of course, be wrong to push the parallels between the poet and the scientist any further than that. For one thing, Snyder’s reverence for Gaia is inseparable from his ecological activism, while Lovelock’s encourages a rather more pessimistic perspective on the chances of human survival on a planet which is over-heating due to human activity.(14) However, it does show that Snyder’s mythopoeic project is very much orientated to the most urgent problems of our era.

How, though, does Snyder’s preoccupation with the goddess – one he shares with Lovelock – link up with Snyder’s poetic practice? We get a hint of this in his essay, ‘Goddess of Mountain and Rivers’ (1980), written as the foreword to a study by Edward Schafer of Chinese literature. He begins:

Western civilization has learned much in recent years of its archaic matrifocal roots. Part of that has been the recovery of a deeper sense of what ‘muse’ means, and a new understanding of the male-female play in our own hearts. Robert Graves’s poetic essay, The White Goddess, has been pivotal in disclosing the continuity of a muse-magic tradition. The poet-muse relationship is usually seen from the male side only, for we live in cultures, both East and West, that have been dominated by men for several thousand years. Of all males through those patriarchal years, the poets and artists were most apt to go beyond the one-sided masculine ethos and draw power from that other place, which the Chinese would call the yin side of things. It is likely that men become creative when they touch the woman in themselves, and women become creative when they touch the woman in the man in themselves.

We work here with the faint facts of a Neolithic past and the actual facts of a planetwide interconnected web of living beings. The totality of this biosphere is called by some Gaia, after the ancient Greek earth goddess. It should be no surprise that one singer will be inspired by the heavy breast of a slender girl and another by the wind whipping through a col plastering the cliffs with gleaming rain. (PS 85-6)

Convinced that it is poets who have retained respect for the goddess, despite the general triumph of patriarchy, Snyder suggests that ancient Chinese poets in particular had a great advantage, namely their understanding of the Tao. It was this that prevented them from being tempted into patriarchal posturing:

From earliest times, the ‘yin’ – shady side, moist, fertile, and receptive – was identified as ‘female.’ The ‘yang’ – sunny side, fertilizing, warming, dry – as ‘male.’ And it is written, the yin and yang together make the Tao. The fifth-century BC Tao Te Ching is full of the echo of a great goddess: spirit of the valley, mother of the ten thousand things, marvelous emptiness before being and nonbeing. The dance of yin-yang energies in nature (mist on the mountain peaks, rainbows and rain squalls, rocky cliffs and swirling streams, tumbling flight of flocks of birds) becomes the image vocabulary of Chinese erotic poetry. (PS 87)


Taoism was, as we know, a huge influence on Zen Buddhism. In his commitment to that discipline, Snyder endorses the idea of interrelatedness. Nothing exists in isolation; everything exists in relationship to everything else. We misread both humanity and the natural world when we see entities (whether human beings or trees) in isolation from the sacred whole. Indeed, to see reality only from the perspective of the ego is to be in a state of illusion. A mythic image which Snyder frequently invokes is that of ‘Indra’s net’, which originated within Indian Buddhism, but which became very influential in China, where Zen (or ‘Ch’an’ as it was then known) developed. It is here summarised by Tu Shun, an early Chinese master:

Now the celestial jewel net of Kanishka, or Indra, Emperor of gods, is called the net of Indra. This imperial net is made of jewels: because the jewels are clear, they reflect each other’s images, appearing in each other’s reflections upon reflections, ad infinitum, all appearing at once in one jewel and in each one it is so-ultimately there is no going or coming…. If you sit in one jewel, then you are sitting in all jewels in every direction, multiplied over and over. Why? Because in one jewel there are all the jewels. If there is one jewel in all jewels, then you are sitting in all jewels too. And the reverse applies to the totality if you follow the same reasoning. Since in one jewel you go into all the jewels without leaving this one jewel, so in all jewels you enter one jewel without leaving this one jewel.(15)


One of Snyder’s allusions to this image comes in the midst of an essay from Earth House Hold called ‘Poetry and the Primitive: Notes on Poetry as Ecological Survival Technique’ (1969). Here he argues that if poetry were to regain its archaic roots, it would thereby articulate the Buddhist principle:

It is clear that the empirically observable interconnectedness of nature is but a corner of the vast “jewelled net” that moves from without to within. The spiral (think of nebulae) and spiral conch (vulva/womb) is a symbol of the Great Goddess. (GSR 61)

It is clear also that Snyder applies the principle not only to all of nature, and not only to the relationship between humanity and the earth, but also to the way cultures and religions come together at certain crucial points. In ‘The Rediscovery of Turtle Island’ he hails the contemporary discovery that American Indian myth chimes with other archaic and ancient wisdoms in its respect for nature and for other species:

A key question is that of our ethical obligations to the nonhuman world. The very notion rattles the foundations of occidental thought. Native American religious beliefs, although not identical coast to coast, are overwhelmingly in support of a full and sensitive acknowledgment of the subjecthood – the intrinsic value – of nature. This in no way backs off from an unflinching awareness of the painful side of wild nature, of acknowledging how everything is being eaten alive. The twentieth-century syncretism of the ‘Turtle Island view’ gathers ideas from Buddhism and Taoism and from the lively details of worldwide animism and paganism. There is no imposition of ideas of progress or order on the natural world – Buddhism teaches imperma¬nence, suffering, compassion, and wisdom. Buddhist teach¬ings go on to say that the true source of compassion and eth¬ical behavior is paradoxically none other than one’s own realization of the insubstantial and ephemeral nature of everything. Much of animism and paganism celebrates the actual, with its inevitable pain and death, and affirms the beauty of the process. Add contemporary ecosystem theory and environmental history to this, and you get a sense of what’s at work. (PS 246)


Zen myth

We now have a fair idea of how Snyder sees everything fitting together, naturally and culturally, ecologically and mythologically. However, one last question remains to be answered with regard to his own use of myth. It concerns his role as a mythopoeic poet who is also a practitioner of Zen. In artistic matters, Zen favours minimalism. The typical poetic form is the haiku, as in this famous example from Basho (1644-94):

Old pond,
leap-splash –
a frog.(16)

Mythopoeic poetry, by contrast, tends to be expansive and narrative in form. How does Snyder reconcile the two tendencies?

He broaches this issue, albeit indirectly, in his essay ‘Entering the Fiftieth Millennium’ (1998). Pondering the mystery of Palaeolithic cave art, which depicts animals, such as horses and bison, but not humans, he surmises that the anonymous artists must have had a sophisticated sense of all that lay outside of themselves – a sense that would presumably have been evident in their song and poetry also:

If our ancient rock artists skipped out on painting humans, it just may be that they knew more than enough about themselves and could turn their attention wholeheartedly to the nonhuman other. The range of their art embraces both abstract and unreadable signs and graphs and a richly portrayed world of what today we call ‘faunal diversity’. They gave us a picture of their animal environment with as much pride and art as if they were giving us their very selves.

Maybe in some way they speak from a spirit that is in line with [the Japanese Zen master] Dogen’s comment, ‘We study the self to forget the self. When you forget the self, you can become one with all the other phenomena.’

We have no way of knowing what the religious practices, the rituals, or the verbal arts of 35,000 years ago might have been. It is most likely that the languages of that time were in no way inferior in complexity, sophistication, or richness to the languages spoken today. … It’s not far-fetched to think that if the paintings were so good, the poems and songs must have been of equal quality.

One can imagine myths and tales of people, places, and animals. In poetry or song, I fancy wild horse chants, “salutes” (as are sung in some parts of Africa) to each creature, little lyrics that intensify some element in a narrative, a kind of deep song – cante jondo – to go together with deep history; or on the other side, quick ‘bison haiku’. (GSR 393-4)

If we look back over the poems which we have discussed here, they all work like that. The mythological and ecological context is evoked with imaginative economy and linguistic precision. Each equivalent of a ‘bison haiku’ is a gesture to an implicit totality which does not need to be spelt out. The mythos, like the oikos, is present – present because all is interconnected at this very moment of utterance. That is why Snyder, in his Axe Handles, a volume of poetry published in 1983, includes a section which he calls ‘Little Songs for Gaia’ – and not, for instance, ‘Gaia: The Full Story’. All you need is a little song, and Gaia is with us – or, more importantly, we are with Gaia:

As the crickets’ soft autumn hum
is to us,
so are we to the trees

as are they

to the rocks and the hills. (NN 287)

The words may be left to stand alone; and as they stand, they tell us that the ‘quest for place’ is, for now, complete.


Further reading

Laurence Coupe, Beat Sound, Beat Vision: The Beat spirit and popular song (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007)

Laurence Coupe, Myth , 2nd edition (Abingdon: Routledge, 2009)



(1)Gary Snyder, ‘Introduction’, Myths & Texts, 2nd edition (New York: New Directions, 1978), p viii. Further references to this volume will be included in the body of the essay, in abbreviated form: MT. [Note: Snyder is here adapting his own autobiographical statement, included in Paris Leary and Robert Kelly (eds), A Controversy of Poets: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry (New York: Doubleday, 1965), p 551.]

(2)The two main works which I have found most helpful are: Patrick D. Murphy, A Place for Wayfaring: The Poetry and Prose of Gary Snyder (Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 2000); Patrick D. Murphy (ed.) Critical Essays on Gary Snyder (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1990). In the latter volume, the most relevant essays to my discussion are: Sherman Paul, ‘From Lookout to Ashram: The Way of Gary Snyder’ (pp 58-80); Michael Castro, ‘Gary Snyder: The Lessons of Turtle Island’ (pp 131-43); Julia Martin, ‘The Pattern Which Connects: Metaphor in Gary Snyder’s Late Poetry’ (pp 188-210). See also David Landis Barnhill, ‘Great Earth Sangha: Gary Snyder’s View of Nature as Community’, in Tucker, Mary Evelyn and Duncan Ryuken Williams (eds), Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds (Cambridge, MA.: Harvard UP, 1997), pp 187-217.

(3)See Sean Kane, Wisdom of the Mythtellers (Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 1998), pp 9-26, 131-48.

(4)Gary Snyder, He Who Hunted Birds in His Father’s Village, in The Gary Snyder Reader (Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 1999), p 84. Further references to the reader will be included in the body of the essay, in abbreviated form: GSR.

(5)Gary Snyder, ‘Milton by Firelight’, No Nature: New and Selected Poems (New York: Pantheon Books, 1992), pp 7-8. Further references to the reader will be included in the body of the essay, in abbreviated form: NN.

(6)The serpent is identified explicitly with Satan in Paradise Lost, though not in Genesis itself. However, the demonization is clear in both cases.

(7)See Mircea Eliade, The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion (San Diego: Harcourt Inc, 1987).

(8)For a longer discussion of the myth of deliverance, see Coupe, Myth, 2nd ed. (London: Routledge, 2009), pp 66-7, 86-7, 165-80.

(9)For a longer discussion of Marxism as a myth, see Coupe, Myth, pp 61-5.

(10)Gary Snyder, ‘The Wilderness’, Turtle Island (New York: New Directions, 1974), p 106. Further references to this volume will be included in the body of the essay, in abbreviated form: TI.

(11)‘The Rediscovery of Turtle Island’, A Place in Space: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Watersheds (Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 1995), p 240. Further references to the reader will be included in the body of the essay, in abbreviated form: PS.

(12)It leaves aside the question which Eliade poses: whether the Judaeo-Christian decision to place sacred time at the end of history rather than the beginning means that it is the exception that proves the rule of ‘eternal return’, which applies to nearly all other religions; or whether it is a different way of expressing the same need to translate profane time into sacred. See Mircea Eliade, The Myth of the Eternal Return: or, Cosmos and History (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1954), pp 102-12.

(13)James Lovelock, The Ages of Gaia: The Biography of Our Living Earth (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989), p 208.

(14)See James Lovelock, The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning (London: Penguin, 2010).

(15)Tu Shun, ‘Cessation and Contemplation of the Five Teachings of the Huayen’, in Thomas Cleary (ed.), Entry into the Inconceivable (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1983), p 66.

(16)Basho, ‘Old pond…’, in Lucien Strick and Takashi Ikemoto (eds), The Penguin Book of Zen Poetry (London: Allen Lane, 1977), p 91.




A Route to Revelation: Re-reading THE DHARMA BUMS

A Route to Revelation:

Rereading The Dharma Bums

Laurence Coupe

Beat Scene, 55 (Spring 2008), pp 40-43

Please note that this is not an academic article, so I’ve not included a list of references.


Writing this article in the wake of last year’s celebrations in the press and on radio and television of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Jack Kerouac’s most famous novel, ON THE ROAD, I must confess to being in two minds. On the one hand, as an admirer of Kerouac, I am glad to see him being given due recognition; on the other hand, I am disappointed by the assumption behind those celebrations. Just as during his lifetime, the author has again been represented as a wild man of American letters – a restless, irresponsible hedonist whose writings simply record what he saw, what he felt and what he consumed as he went looking for ‘kicks’. That scarcely does him justice. Kerouac is a serious and substantial author, for whom fiction is a valid medium of spiritual enquiry. Of course, a proper reading of ON THE ROAD would demonstrate that; but perhaps it would do no harm to turn to the novel he wrote in the wake of its rapturous reception and which was published in the US the year after. I refer, of course, to THE DHARMA BUMS. Fifty years old this year, this novel still stands as a challenge to each and every one of its readers to find a route to revelation, and so make sense of this world.

But first we need to get our bearings. The first draft of ON THE ROAD was written between 1947 and 1951, but was not published until six years later. In between the writing and the publication came the period of Kerouac’s discovery of, and research into, the nature of Buddhism. This was documented in the detailed notes which he made on Buddhist doctrine during the years 1953-6, collected under the title SOME OF THE DHARMA but only published posthumously. Here we discover what I would regard as the true Kerouac, not the Kerouac of the popular image. On the evidence of this collection, he seems to have anticipated the way he would be misrepresented: ‘I don’t want to be a drunken hero of the generations … I want to be a quiet saint living in a shack in solitary meditation of universal mind’. Studying the ‘Dharma’, that is, the ‘truth’ or ‘law’ revealed to the world by the Buddha, leads him to some impressively searching reflections: ‘Every new human being is just another sensitive, tormented talent for suffering – that’s why the Tathagata [a title given to the Buddha] is full of compassion and sorrow or wishes to serve in the emancipation of all sentient & human beings from time past to time uncome from their sad trap of the life and death, delusion and despair, innocent rage, darkness of mind, perturbation, weariness, hopelessness….’ Such sentiments could hardly be dismissed as the ramblings of ‘a drunken hero’.

Confusion about Kerouac in the media seems to relate to confusion about the term ‘Beat’. Some commentators seem to think that all you have to know is that ‘Beat’ refers to the ‘beat’ of bebop music (as represented by the music of Charlie Parker, which undoubtedly influenced Kerouac’s ‘spontaneous prose’). Others think they have gone rather deeper into the subject when they discover that it can also refer to the feeling of being ‘dead beat’ (as expressed in the New York street idiom of Kerouac’s friend, Herbert Huncke). The point is not that these two usages are wrong, but that they only take us so far – as Kerouac kept trying to insist. We have, then, to heed such exasperated pronouncements as this, made in an early article of his called ‘Lamb, No Lion’:

Beat doesn’t mean tired, or bushed, so much as it means beato, the Italian for beatific: to be in a state of beatitude, like St Francis, trying to love all life, trying to be utterly sincere with everyone, practising endurance, kindness, cultivating joy of heart. How can this be done in our mad modern world of multiplicities and millions? By practising a little solitude, going off by yourself once in awhile to store up that most precious of golds: the vibrations of sincerity.

I think that, in this light, it is only fair to take Kerouac at his word and assume that the work of the late fifties and early sixties is informed by his quest for spiritual meaning.

In the statement just quoted, the spirituality espoused seems to derive largely from Buddhism, but it is significant that the one figure whose example is commended is St Francis, representative of the faith in which Kerouac’s French-Canadian family brought him up, namely Catholicism. Certainly, if we are to take Kerouac seriously as a spiritual writer, we must acknowledge the tension which lies behind his vision. On the one hand he is attracted to the path of enlightenment, or awakening, opened up by the Buddha; on the other hand, he cannot forget the urgency of the summons to salvation made by Jesus Christ. The one results in the state known as ‘nirvana’, the extinguishing of the fire of the ego; the other results in the state known as the ‘kingdom of heaven’, the final reconciliation with God. Most people who adhere to one or other of these religions would see them as incompatible, given that Christianity assumes the existence of an all-powerful deity, while Buddhism sees the question of that existence as irrelevant. In technical language we would say that Christianity is ‘theistic’, while Buddhism is ‘non-theistic’. Kerouac seems anxious to embrace both, trusting that they ultimately agree.

It’s my conviction, then, that Kerouac is a spiritual writer working within the tension between the Catholicism of his upbringing and the Buddhism which he discovered as a young man. Consider another public pronouncement of his, made shortly after the one just quoted, in an article on ‘The Origins of the Beat Generation’: ‘I am not ashamed to wear the crucifix of my Lord.  It is because I am Beat, that is, I believe in beatitude and that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to it. … No, I want to speak for things, for the crucifix I speak out… for Buddha I speak out …’ Kerouac moves easily between the religions (he also refers to the founders of others, such as Lao-Tse and Mohammed, in this same statement), convinced that there is a common spiritual wisdom underlying their differing types of religious expression.

It is in the novel under consideration here that we find his yearning for that wisdom articulated most clearly. THE DHARMA BUMS is nothing less than a fictional meditation on the nature of religious commitment. The very title announces an important insight: that the sacred (the ‘Dharma’, the Truth revealed by the Buddha) may manifest itself within the heart of the profane (the world of the ‘bums’, or dropouts). As such, it is echoed by the title of another novel of Kerouac’s, DESOLATION ANGELS. It is typically Beat to fuse the sacred and the profane in one phrase: we might recall also Allen Ginsberg’s poem, ‘Howl’, which speaks of ‘angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night’.

Typically Beat again, THE DHARMA BUMS begins with an image of hard travelling as a way of indicating a spiritual calling. The narrator, Ray Smith, is hitching a ride on a train to San Francisco: ‘Hopping a freight out of Los Angeles at high noon one day in late September 1955 I got on a gondola and lay down with my duffel bag under my head and my knees crossed and contemplated the clouds as we rolled north to Santa Barbara’ (p. 7). The spiritual dimension is introduced almost immediately, when the presence of the little old ‘bum’ who hops the freight at the same time prompts Ray to reflect on the words in the [Buddhist] Diamond Sutra concerning charity and to offer to share his food with him. In doing so, he later realises, he is acting as a ‘Dharma Bum’ (p. 8):  ‘The little Saint Teresa bum was the first genuine Dharma Bum I’d met, and the second was the number one Dharma Bum of them all and in fact it was he, Japhy Ryder, who coined the phrase’ (p. 12). As we shall see, Japhy is central to Ray’s quest for meaning.

In order to fully grasp Japhy’s significance in the novel, we have to understand that he is a practitioner of what is known as ‘Zen’, and that this is a version of Buddhism by which Ray is fascinated but about which he is sceptical. And in order to be clear about Zen, we need to make a differentiation, even at the risk of simplification: that between the Dharma of compassion and the Dharma of contemplation. We have just met Ray, and have witnessed his kindness to the ‘bum’ who has a dedication to a Christian saint, namely Teresa; Ray’s instinct is that compassion is what unites Buddhism and Christianity. Certainly, it is compassion which is emphasised as much as contemplation in the more traditional kind of Buddhism, derived from the Indian context in which the Buddha taught. We might say for convenience that, by contrast,  the radical reinterpretation of the Dharma which emerged centuries later in China and Japan, known as ‘Zen’, compassion is (or at least seems to be) less important than contemplation.  Zen, that is, encourages either ‘sitting quietly, doing nothing’ (long periods of meditation) or else wrestling with a mind game known as a ‘koan’ (the most famous being ‘What is the sound of one hand clapping?’): both of these may afford the moment of spiritual release.  In order to ensure this, the Zen master is entitled to suspend his compassion for his pupil and use shock tactics (such as sudden blows with his stick), thus confirming that contemplation is rather more important.

Where are we, then? Just as the novel more broadly attempts to mediate between Christianity and Buddhism, so more narrowly it explores the tension within Buddhism itself. In strictly Buddhist terms, the novel may be read as a debate between two kinds of practice: one represented by Ray Smith and the other by Japhy Ryder. Japhy lives frugally in San Francisco, as much in the spirit of Zen as possible – a spirit which does not exclude a taste for alcohol and sexual experimentation, however. Ray, by contrast, is much more anxious about following what he regards as a proper Buddhist code of conduct, involving self-denial and charity. The novel explores the tension between Zen freedom and orthodox restraint.

While there is little doubt that Japhy is Kerouac’s fictionalision of the poet Gary Snyder, it must be said that Kerouac is using the character as a way of articulating his own ambivalence towards Zen. There again, that does not mean that the author is offering an imbalanced picture which is biased towards his narrator. For it is by no means clear that Ray stands for Kerouac himself. There is frequently an ironic distance between author and narrator – as when, for instance, Ray returns home for Christmas , only to offend his family by his ill-considered attempt at explaining Buddhism to them. However, one can certainly see traces of the author’s spiritual concerns in the narrator’s dispute with Japhy over the validity of Zen:

‘Lissen, Japhy,’ I said, ‘I’m not a Zen Buddhist, I’m a serious Buddhist’ … my contention being that Zen Buddhism didn’t concentrate on kindness so much as on confusing the intellect to make it perceive the illusion of all sources of things. ‘It’s mean,’ I complained. ‘All those Zen Masters throwing young kids in the mud because they can’t answer their silly word questions.’ (p. 15)

Even though some of Kerouac’s other writing, notably his SCRIPTURE OF THE GOLDEN ETERNITY, is indebted to Zen mind-games, Ray’s objection to what goes with them in practice is probably sanctioned by Kerouac, on the evidence of SOME OF THE DHARMA: for example, ‘Zen is a modern shallow naive almost “popular” innocent idea’.

Given such doubts, it is to the credit of Kerouac that he maintains the tension between Ray’s Dharma of compassion and Japhy’s Dharma of contemplation throughout the novel. Sympathising with Ray, while aware of his weaknesses, the reader must yet be given a sense of how inspiring the ideas and the presence of Japhy are to all who meet him – else, why would the narrator want to talk so much about him?  It is, then, Japhy’s vision of a Zen future for the United States that the rest of the novel seems to endorse. He speaks of

‘a world full of rucksack wanderers, Dharma Bums refusing to subscribe to the general demand that they consume production and therefore have to work for the privilege of consuming, all that crap they didn’t really want anyway … I see a vision of a great rucksack revolution, thousands or even millions of young Ameri-cans wandering around with rucksacks, going up to mountains to pray, making children laugh and old men glad, making young girls happy and old girls happier, all of ’em Zen Lunatics who go about writing poems that happen to appear in their heads for no reason …’ (p. 83)

There can be little doubt, despite the shadow cast on this beatific future by other characters – notably Rosie Buchanan, the depressive girlfriend of Ray’s friend Cody Pomeray, who eventually commits suicide after predicting a police state rather than a ‘rucksack revolution’ – that this manifesto conveys much of Kerouac’s own faith in the future at the time of writing.

We might compare Japhy’s pronouncement with Kerouac’s own account of the novel, provided as the jacket copy for the original Viking hardback edition:

Dharma is the Sanskrit Word for Truth. It may also be translated as The Duty, or The Law. The Dharma Bums is a surprising story of two young Americans who make a goodhearted effort to know the Truth with full packs on their backs, rucksack wanderers of the West Coast, hiking and climbing mountains to go and meditate and pray and cook their simple foods, and down below living in shacks and sleeping outdoors under the California stars. … [This] is the ancient Way of all the wild prophets of the past, whether St John the Baptist in the West or the holy old Zen Lunatic Hanshan in the East. … In this new novel, Jack Kerouac departs from the `hipster’ movement of the Beat Generation and leads his readers towards a conception of ‘continual conscious compassion’ and a peaceful understanding truce with the paradox of existence.

It might almost be Japhy speaking – were it not for the allusion to John the Baptist. For, even here, we should not overlook Kerouac’s assumption of the compatibility of Buddhist and Christian thinking.

In this light, it would seem that the author endorses his narrator’s search for an inclusive worldview in which both of these have their place: that is, a version of what the philosopher Leibniz (and after him, Aldous Huxley) called the ‘perennial philosophy’, a mystical wisdom common to all religions. Ray seeks what he calls ‘the truth that is realisable in the dead man’s bones and is beyond the tree of Buddha as well as the cross of Jesus’ (p. 115). In order to attain that truth, he knows that he has fully to understand the meaning behind both symbols. Gautama demonstrates the possibility of enlightenment for all humanity by meditating under the ‘bodhi’ (enlightenment) tree: thus, he becomes Buddha.  Jesus saves humanity from sin by dying in agony on the cross: thus, he becomes Christ. Both are inspiring icons, equally valid, and Ray’s aim is to reconcile them in the service of an inclusive wisdom.

In case we are tempted to come down on the side of Japhy’s Zen as opposed to Ray’s quest for a faith that comprehends both Buddhism and Christianity, Kerouac is careful to provide evidence of Japhy’s limitations. In particular, we are surely meant to query his blithe dismissal of Christianity itself. When he and Ray come across a black, evangelical Christian woman preaching on the streets of San Francisco’s Chinatown, Ray is pleased, not only because of what she’s saying but because of her delivery, which reminds him of Ma Rainey, the early jazz/blues singer. But Japhy can only grumble, ‘I don’t like all that Jesus stuff she’s talking about,’ to which Ray retorts: ‘What’s wrong with Jesus? Didn’t Jesus speak of Heaven? Isn’t Heaven Buddha’s nirvana?’ Refusing to make any concession, Japhy condescendingly replies: ‘According to your own interpretation, Smith’ (p. 97).

Taking him as representing a certain spiritual trend, then, we can say that Japhy, while being an inspiring and provocative figure, is not necessarily the most likeable character in the book. For many readers, Ray, a vulnerable and fallible seeker, is likely to prove more attractive. Whether Ray finds what he seeks is another matter. The novel ends ambiguously. With Japhy having left to spend time in a Japanese monastery, Ray follows his advice to serve as fire lookout on Desolation Peak in the Cascade Mountains. The closing paragraph of the final chapter has Ray on the one hand invoking the spirit of the absent Japhy, thus implicitly affirming the non-theism of Zen Buddhism, and on the other hand declaring his adherence to the theism of Christianity: ‘Down on the lake rosy reflections of celestial vapour appeared, and I said ‘ “God, I love you” and looked up to the sky and really meant it. “I have fallen in love with you, God. Take care of us all, one way or the other.” ’ (p. 204). But as this is a novel with a spiritual theme rather than a religious treatise in fictional form, we should not worry about this closing paradox. Perhaps there is more wisdom in Ray’s apparent confusion than is to be found in the letter of this or that law.

Certainly, THE DHARMA BUMS is a work which merits regular re-reading, not merely as a report on the doings of the Beat generation but rather as a challenge to whatever certainty we are currently clinging. It is this sense of perpetual possibility which makes it, to my mind, a spiritual classic. It reminds us that a valid route to revelation will inevitably bring us back to the beginning, though with an altered perspective. As T. S. Eliot tells us at the end of FOUR QUARTETS: ‘We shall not cease from exploration / And the end of our exploring / Will be to arrive where we started / And know the place for the first time.’ Thus Ray has learnt to look upon reality from a ‘beatific’ point of view, which incorporates both ‘the cross of Jesus’ and ‘the tree of Buddha’. It incorporates, too, Japhy’s Dharma of contemplation along with his own Dharma of compassion, which now seem to complement rather than contradict each other. It is with this wisdom that, in the closing sentence of this fascinating but underrated novel, Ray ‘turned and went on down the trail back to this world’ (p. 204).

Edition quoted: THE DHARMA BUMS (Penguin: London, 2000).

Laurence Coupe

Further reading:

Laurence Coupe, Beat Sound, Beat Vision: The Beat spirit and popular song (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007)

Thoughts on Jack Kerouac

Thoughts on Jack Kerouac

Like many other young people in the late 1960s, I was attracted by the danger that hovered round the very name of Jack Kerouac. Carrying a copy of On the Road, I hoped it might suggest to my peers that I was a real crazy guy. It didn’t take me long to realise, however, that ‘digging’ Kerouac as the wild man of American letters is just as much an insult to his memory as dismissing him for the same reason.

True, as everyone knows, Kerouac was an advocate of what he called ‘spontaneous prose’. But he also coined the phrase ‘Mind is shapely, Art is shapely.’ That is: discipline the mind, nurture the soul, and then speak from the heart. Ultimately his work is not about unbridled self-expression but about honouring the holiness of existence.

The term ‘Beat’ is bandied about a good deal, but what did this most famous of ‘Beat’ writers actually meant by the term? Yes, he was referring to the ‘beat’ of music, particularly the bebop of Charlie Parker, which gave him a model of how to improvise on a theme, taking the notes – or words – to dizzy new heights. Yes, he was also referring to the state of being ‘dead beat’, of having no investment in the shiny world of modern materialism. But these for him were really just means of attaining ‘Beat’ in the sense that mattered most to him: ‘beatitude’, or, as he once explained, being ‘like St. Francis, trying to love all life, trying to be utterly sincere with everyone, practising endurance, kindness’ and ‘practising a little solitude’. His novel The Dharma Bums conveys what this might involve.

The fact that Kerouac himself, in submitting to alcoholism, chose death rather than life by no means disqualifies his art. Visions of Gerard is a meditation on the fact that being alive implies suffering and transience, and on the need to face these without fear while maintaining compassion for other living-dying creatures. He was no irresponsible hedonist; he was a religious visionary.

As to his influence, I see it most clearly in the songs of Bob Dylan, who once famously told us: ‘He not busy being born is busy dying.’ Dylan it was who visited Kerouac’s grave with Allen Ginsberg, and told him that it was reading Kerouac’s volume of poetry Mexico City Blues that first showed him how to write in a living language one, he might have added, that can comprehend death as well as life. Dylan, too, has used such a language to speak memorably of mortality and the search for spiritual truth.

Laurence Coupe

Further reading:

Laurence Coupe, Beat Sound, Beat Vision: The Beat spirit and popular song (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007)