Please note:
You are welcome to quote the writings included here, but please give full acknowledgement. This should include original publication details where appropriate, followed by the website reference and date of access.
Myth, Religion and Literature
- Reading for the Myth
- The Hero’s Journey
- Marina Warner on Myth
- Tyndale, Interpretation and Revelation
- Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams and Modern Hermeneutics
- Hughes and Myth
- Review: Myth: A Very Short Introduction
- Review: Northrop Frye on Myth
- Review: Jung as a Writer
- Review: Mythography
- Review: Theorizing Myth
- Myth, Ideology and Identity
- Genesis & Myth
- See also …
- Reading Myth
Music & Film
- Leonard Cohen’s Zen Vision
- Song as Poem: Leonard Cohen’s ‘Suzanne’
- Cohen & Country
- Case for Country Music
- Dylan’s ‘Visions’
- Pop Music & Gurus
- Au Hasard Balthazar
- Incredible String Band
- Woody Guthrie to Neil Young
- Johnny Cash
- Tree of Life & Melancholia
- Van Morrison
- The Turin Horse
- Vaughan Williams
- Dylan & Ginsberg
- Dominic Williams
- Harry Chapin’s Best 20
- Mike Heron after ISB
- Wizard of Oz
- Bright Lights
- Dylan’s Mr TM
- Tempest
- Why We Can’t Forget ‘White Christmas’
- Inside Llewyn Davis
- Avatar
Green Studies
- Green Letters: Editorial (No.1)
- Green Letters: Bate & Leavis
- Green Letters: Genesis and the Nature of Myth
- Green Letters: A green reading of Ted Hughes
- Green Letters: Environmental Criticism for the Twenty-First Century
- Green Letters:The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Environment
- Two important green books
- The Green World: Nature in English Poetry
- Edward Thomas and Green Studies
- Green Theory
- Environment: An Essay
- The Semiotic Fallacy, Twenty Years On
- GREEN STUDIES READER: Introduction extracts
- Songs of the Earth: Woody Guthrie to Neil Young
- Art & Enchantment
- Going Green
The Beats
- The Beat Vision
- A Route to Revelation: Re-reading The Dharma Bums
- A Quest for Place: Gary Snyder’s Search for a Living Myth
- Waiting for the End: Ginsberg, Dylan and the Poetry of Apocalypse
- Gary Snyder and‘Eco-Zen’
- Thoughts on Jack Kerouac
- King Lear
- Murder in the Cathedral
- Death of a Salesman
- Waiting for Godot
- Story and Vision in the Poetry of Thomas Hardy
- The Comic Vision of T. F. Powys
- Edgell Rickword: Modernist or Marxist?
- Reading and Writing: An Essay
Kenneth Burke
- Note on Kenneth Burke
- Words and the Word: Kenneth Burke’s Logology and T. S. Eliot’s Mythology
- Review of The Rites of Identity
- Kenneth Burke — Pioneer of Ecocriticism
- Sayings of Kenneth Burke
- Myth and ‘Victimage’
- See also …
Selected Reviews from PNR and CQ
- Worlds
- Authorial Life
- The Scandal of Form
- The Voice of Ariel
- The Moronic Inferno
- The Story So Far
- Three books on American poetry
Times Higher Education Reviews
- Reason, Faith, and Revolution: Reflections on the God Debate
- The Dawn of Green: Manchester, Thirlmere, and Modern Environmentalism
- The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy: Skills for a Changing World
- Treading Softly: Paths to Ecological Order
- The Ecological Thought
- This Luminous Coast
- Plato’s Revenge: Politics in the Age of Ecology
- Eco-Republic: Ancient Thinking for a Green Age
- Fluid New York: Cosmopolitan Urbanism and the Green Imagination
- Invisible Nature: Healing the Destructive Divide between People and the Environment
- A Philosophy of Walking
- Happier People Healthier Planet: How putting wellbeing first would help sustain life on Earth
- Landmarks
- Back to the Garden
- The Land of the Green Man
- ‘What are you reading?’ column